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How to Contact Interior Designers?

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You can easily book an interior designer by visiting the NoBroker’s website. When we styled our new home, we reached out to NoBroker’s interior designing services as we had heard some positive reviews about them. The booking process was quick and easy. I’ve shared a detailed step-by-step guide on how to contact interior designers below for your reference.

How to Book Interior Designing Services at NoBroker?

To get started with our interior designing from NoBroker, we followed a few steps which I have shared below. 

  • We visited the

    NoBroker interior design

    website and booked a design consultation which is completely free. You can book this by simply filling out a form with your requirements.

  • Once you fill out the form, you’ll get a thorough design consultation where you can explore different design options and discuss your needs with your design expert. The interior designer will also help you choose a design. We got a wide range of options, which helped us come up with a rough layout. 

  • You have to pay a token amount to book your confirmed design.

  • After this, a final design layout will be prepared based on your insights. If you want, you can suggest more changes before finalising, within a timeframe. We liked the whole layout, as it was exactly how we envisioned it. 

  • Finally, the team will start working at your home. This includes on-site service and installation of modular units. 

So this is the process of getting started with interior designing at NoBroker. I hope this will help you in your venture. 

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How to Pick an Interior Designer?

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