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How to Cut Wallpaper Corners?

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5 months


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Hey, we applied wallpaper to one of the walls in our living room. After completing the installation, we noticed shabby corners and wanted to refine them. So, we looked up how to cut wallpaper edges. We were able to get a clean look after following the steps. One technique we came across was about making paper creases to define the cut point. I’ll describe the rest below.

How to Trim Wallpaper Edges?

Here are the methods you can use to trim the edges of wallpaper.

Making Creases and Trimming

You can create creases on the wallpaper at the ceiling-wall corner. Once you do so, peel back the wallpaper along the crease and cut with a scissor. You can smooth the rest back onto the wall.

Cutting with a Breakaway Razor Knife

You can alternatively use a breakaway razor knife. Trim the wallpaper at the ceiling and the bottom edge with the help of a knife and a metal straightedge. I suggest a taping knife or a painter’s trim guide to act as a straightedge. Only use the sharpest blade to cut to avoid tearing the paper. To ensure this, change blades now and then. 

So, this is how to trim wallpaper in corners. I hope you’ll be able to make use of these two methods to get a clean corner for the wallpaper installed at your place.

Get Premium Wallpaper Installation With a Clean Look Via NoBroker Painting Service! Some related information:

Why Is My wallpaper Not Sticking To The Wall?

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