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How to decorate wall with paper?

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3 Year


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There are many ideas to decorate a wall with different options. But I prefer Paper because it is inexpensive and comes in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and shapes, making it ideal for making decorations. You can create various shapes and designs as per your convenience and add more liveliness to your wall. For example, book covers or notebook paper can be used to wallpaper a room. Let’s see how to decorate wall with paper with the following ideas.

How to decorate room wall with paper?

1) Book covers

I had several books kept in my bookshelf and didn’t have any idea how to use them for such a beautiful purpose. But then I got an idea to use them for my room’s wall. All you have to do is take that cover, create some design if you want and stick it on the wall with the help of glue. It will add some value to your room’s wall and guide you on how to decorate room walls with paper.

2) Decorative wallpaper

In this world of creative people, you can easily get a variety of decorative papers in the market. To know the answer to your query:

how to make wall decoration with paper,

you just have to pick some of your favorite textures like aesthetic designs, simple texture and color combination, and let the ideas flow. You can apply those wallpapers on the wall using double sided tape or glue and make your wall look better.

Want to paint or apply new wallpaper to your walls? Call professionals at NoBroker 3) Garland or textured design

You just have to pick some papers of different designs and colors, cut them into some beautiful pieces like squares, circles, etc and apply them together on the wall using double tape. You can make some floral or artistic designs with your own idea and make your wall look prettier than it was before.

4) Create crafts or quotes

One of the best options on how to decorate wall with paper is to create various crafts by writing inspirational quotes on it or just creating designs of words. After creating the designs, frame it with glass or fiber to keep it good for a longer period and hang it on the wall.

With the help of NoBroker's interior design experts, you may create the perfect house interior. Read More: How to decorate a wall at home? How to decorate living room walls?

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