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How to delete a listing?

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4 Year


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0 2021-04-21T18:51:41+00:00
Best Answer

If you want to know how to remove property from NoBroker. You can contact nobroker customer care number 

9241700000 and can request them to remove your property advertisement from NoBroker website. You can also mail at


by stating your reason why you want to remove the property advestimest. If you have closed a deal through a NoBroker executive, mention that as well.

Your request will be approved within 24 hours. I have also mailed at


for the same and my request was accepted immediately.

0 2022-08-09T16:05:01+00:00

Hi buddy,

I have posted a few property ads on NoBroker to find tenants for my father’s rental properties before. The best part about their platform is that I don’t have to pay a brokerage fee to anyone. However, I have sold my rental properties now because I am moving to the USA. I wanted to delete my NoBroker account but I wasn’t able to find an option to do that in the app. So, I called the customer support team of NoBroker to know how to deactivate NoBroker account. They guided me through the process and deleted my account within a few minutes.

There are many ways to reach out to the NoBroker team:

You can use the chat box present on NoBroker’s official website to talk to their customer care executive and request them to delete your property ad or deactivate your account.

You can also call the NoBroker’s customer care team at 09241700000 and request them to guide you through the process.

You can drop an email to the NoBroker team requesting them to help you delete your account. To make it easier for you, I am sharing the template of the same with you.

Email Template for NoBroker delete account.:

Email ID: hello@nobroker.in

Subject: Request to Delete My NoBroker Account

Hello Team NoBroker,

I have an account registered in NoBroker with the name ________  and the mobile number that’s linked to the account is ________ and the email ID that’s linked to the account is _________

I’ve decided to delete my NoBroker account because *specify your reasons here*.

Therefore, I request you to delete my NoBroker account from your database and stop sending me emails and SMS.

*Mention your name*

*Mention your phone number*

*Mention your email ID*

I hope now you know how to delete property from NoBroker. The NoBroker team is pretty helpful and replies very quickly.

Related Answers:

How to Remove Ad from NoBroker?


Once your property listing on NoBroker app is sold or rented out, you can deactivate it. Property listing can be activated or deactivated, it cannot be deleted.
Do not worry, it will just be available in your profile, it will not be visible in the website. 1. Login to your registered account or on NoBroker app. 2. Go to 'My listings'.  Just click on the Ad and look for : Status and then click on Rented out or sold out. Your property listing will deactivate instantly.  

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