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How to download EC from Kaveri online?

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Are you searching for Kaveri online services EC download steps? You don’t need to be worried. To download your Encumbrance Certificate (EC) from Kaveri online, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the

    Kaveri Online Services

    portal for Karnataka.

  2. Log in with your credentials.

  3. From the

    “Service Type”

    section, choose

    “Online EC application.”
  4. Once the certified copy of the Encumbrance Certificate is accessible online, you’ll be able to



I hope you get an idea of how to download EC from kaveri website.

Get an Encumbrance Certificate in No Time via NoBroker Documentation Service.

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How to Get EC Online in Bangalore?

1 2021-09-23T10:35:31+00:00

The Karnataka Government launched the online portal service Kaveri to make the registration process of the Encumbrance Certificate (EC) Certificate easier. The Encumbrance Certificate is an important document to purchase a property. It is also required when you need a home loan or apply for a loan while buying land. The Kaveri online EC download process is easy, and anyone can obtain the certificate just by logging in to the Kaveri website



You need to enter the details of the property you purchased. You can upload the document and the application form sitting in your home on the portal. You can also check if the property is legal, and at the same time, you can also verify the owner's details.

How to download EC from Kaveri online?

I will tell you the procedure to get the EC from Kaveri with the following steps.

  1. Go to the Kaveri Online Service platform or click on the link below:


  1. Select 'Register as New User'

  2. Fill up the details required.

  3. Click on 'Register' to get the code on the email address and mobile number.

  4. Tap on the 'Activate' button.

  5. Login by putting in your password. 

  6. Choose 'Online EC'.

  7. Choose 'Check to apply digitally signed EC' and click on 'View Document'.

  8. Click on the Proceed button to get the PDF document.

  9. Pay the amount required and download EC from Kaveri online.

  10. Click on the "Services" option.

  11. You will see the EC Application details page on your screen. Tap on the calendar and choose the convenient date.

  12. Choose the district and village name.

  13. Fill up the party's name.

  14. Fill up the OTP section.

  15. Select the option "check to apply for digitally signed EC"

  16. Tap on the option 'Search' or 'Research'

  17. Select the box at the end of the page to get a digitally signed EC copy and tap on proceed.

  18. Select the box "I agree" and click on 'proceed to pay.

  19. To pay the amount tap on 'Make Payment'

  20. Click "OK" after you have paid the amount for confirmation.

  21. Mode of payment like NET Banking, credit card, and debit card is available.

  22. After a successful transaction, you can see the receipt on your screen by tapping on "view acknowledgment receipt"

  23. Click on the option "refreshment payment status.

  24. Submit the application.

Hope you know the process of the Kaveri online EC download.

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