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How to Download IGL Bill?

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9 months


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Hey Jignesh. We use an IGL gas connection at our house. I take care of making the payments and storing the bills for the record. So, I’ll be able to tell you how to download IGL bill online. I do so through the IGL website where you just need to feed in your BP number to view and download the bill. I will share the complete process with you below.

How Do I Download my IGL Bill?

Here is the process you can follow:

  1. Go to the

    Display Bill page on the IGL website


  2. On the screen, you’ll see a space to enter your BP number.

  3. Once you fill in the BP number, click on the Submit button.

  4. You’ll be able to view the bills generated for all the months.

  5. Select the bill you wish to download and click the option to save it on your mobile or any other device.

Apart from this, IGL has the facility to provide e-bills on your registered email. You can check the email for the bill generated for each month and directly download the receipt from there. I hope this helps you with how to download IGL Gas bill.

Earn Cashback on Paying Your Indane Gas Bill Via NoBroker! Some related information:

What is the IGL BP number?

0 2024-06-05T09:30:35+00:00

I usually download my utility bills to assess my finances. It is because of this practice, that I am familiar with how to download IGL bill. You can download the bill online via the IGL website or the mobile app.

How to Download IGL Gas Bill?

  • Go to the 'Customer Zone' section after logging in at



  • Under PNG Domestic Customer dropbox, locate "Insta Payment"

  • You will be required to enter your BP Number and print or download an IGL duplicate copy on the next page

I hope this helps you understand how to download IGL payment receipt.

You can also download the bill via the IGLCONNECT app. It is the official Indraprastha Gas Limited mobile application. This app is intended for CNG and PNG users. PNG clients can access their accounts from anywhere at any time through this app.

PNG customers can check their payment and billing histories, file complaints, track the status of their complaints, provide feedback, update their phone numbers and mobile devices, submit meter readings, make payments online, and download bills.

Pay Your Gas & Other Utility Bills Swiftly & Earn Rewards Via NoBroker Bill Payment Service

Read More:

What is IGL BP Number?


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