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How to download professional tax challan ?

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3 2022-09-08T10:36:05+00:00
Best Answer
Professional tax is levied by many states. One of them is Telangana. And it is crucial to know the professional tax challan download process since you may need to show your professional tax challan to your employee or at times to the government. So, let me share with you how to download professional tax challan . Need any legal assistance? Get a free consultation with expert lawyers at NoBroker and be on the right track! Pay your utility bills at NoBroker and earn your rewards and cashbacks immediately!

How to download professional tax paid challan?

I will share with you the process of the Telangana professional tax challan download. Before sharing the process let me share with you how to pay professional tax receipt in Telangana. Go to the official website of Telangana Government. https://www.tgct.gov.in/tgportal/
  1. Tap on E-registration below New Dealer Sub Section. Next, choose ‘PT Registration’.
  2. Tap on ‘e-payment’ and ‘Select the Tax Type’.
  3. Enter the required information and hit on submit.
  4. Hit on ‘Make Payment’ and select the bank preference from the dropdown list and complete the payment process.
To download the professional tax challan Visit the website: https://www.tgct.gov.in/tgportal/DLRServices/Payments/eReceipt.aspx
  1. There is an option called ACT, select ‘professional tax’ for the ACT section.
  2. Enter the CTD transaction number or challan number and download the professional tax challan.
I hope you understand the professional tax challan download process. Read more: Who is Liable to Pay professional tax? How to Pay professional tax Online through HDFC Bank? How to File professional tax NIL Return in Karnataka? What is Due Date for Payment of professional tax?

An essential component of effectively handling one's tax responsibilities is downloading a professional tax challan. Professionals can conveniently pay their professional tax liability by downloading the tax challan. As I am from Maharashtra, so I can tell you how to do professional tax challan download here:

  • Go to the official Maharashtra GST Department website at



  • On the homepage, tap on “e-Payment.” Enter your credentials (username and password). If you’re not registered, you may need to create an account.

  • After logging in, locate the “e-Payments” section. Under this tab, you’ll find options related to professional tax payments.

  • Choose the type of professional tax applicable. “PTRC” is for employers who deduct tax from employees, while “PTEC” is for professionals and self-employed individuals paying tax on their own.

  • Enter the required details, such as your TIN number (Taxpayer Identification Number) or PTEC number, tax period, amount payable, and payment method.

  • Once you’ve filled in the details, click on “Proceed” to generate the challan. Verify the details before the final submission.

  • After successful submission, the system generates a PDF of the challan. Download and print the PDF for your records. 

This is how to download professional tax challan.

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How to Download PTRC Challan Online


0 2023-08-08T20:21:38+00:00

If you have ever looked at your salary slip, you've probably noticed a small deduction in addition to things like the housing rent allowance (HRA), basic salary-related breakdowns, and transportation. This deduction is known as professional tax. In Karnataka, it typically amounts to about 200 INR. Let’s check the process regarding professional tax receipt download in Karnataka.

How to download PT challan Karnataka?

There are a few easy steps that must be taken in order to ensure a seamless process while obtaining professional tax challan. Go through the steps below:

  1. Go to



  2. Tap on Print e-Challan.

  3. If available, enter either the CTD reference number or TIN/ Registration Certificate (RC) number. Additionally, enter the payment date (in the format DD/MM/YYYY) and the amount. 

  4. Hit the Print Challan button.

  5. A box will appear on your screen. Click on pdf print to get your professional tax successfully downloaded.

By following the above steps, I have downloaded my professional tax. However, my brother has followed the steps for PT challan download Telangana as mentioned by Gitika Singhal. I hope you found this helpful.

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