Friend, I believe all of us have had at least one nightmarish experience of having to deal with freight processing or POD processing.
Have always thought the bill
of lading form is a complicated document to fill out. I could rant about it for hours yet I will show restraint and tell you the meaning first.
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Meaning :Bill of Lading or BOL is a document that is issued to a shipper by a carrier. It holds details about the type of goods being transported, destination and quantity of items. All five types of BOl ie order BOL, straight BOL, claused BOL, electronic BOL, and negotiable BOL follow a similar pattern.
How to fill out a bill of lading form?
You need to mention the name of the company, and the address of the shipper. BOL number, carrier booking digits and more. You can make a form of your own in MS Excel or get the form from any shipping company.
You will have to mention pertaining information to the following :
Notify party
Release agent to release the cargo
Place of receipt by carrier
Vessel and voyage number
Port of loading
Point of origin
Port of discharge
Place of delivery
Marks & numbers/container numbers
No. of trailers/containers and/or packages
Description of shipment
Gross weight for receivers.
Shipper’s declared value
Currency used (i.e. USD, EUR, etc.) etc.
Just mention all the details clearly in the form and hit enter.
You don't need to get a bill of lading example form signed by an authorized representative from the carrier agent, shipper company, and receiver. Though, the real form must be signed by all the agents involved as it is a legal document.
I hope my explanation on the bill of lading form helps you ahead.
Read more :
How To Download E Way Bill?
How To Know E-Way Bill Password?
Who Can Generate E Way Bill?
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How to fill out a bill of lading form ?
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