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How to Find Flats for Rent in Mumbai?

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2 Year


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I know finding a flat for rent in Mumbai can be challenging but worry not, as I will be helping you out with that. I have recently moved to Mumbai, and initially struggled a lot to find a good flat. When I was not finding anything, I called a friend of mine who told me about how to rent a flat in Mumbai.

How to Find Flat On Rent in Mumbai?

My friend had told me that I could find a flat for rent through NoBroker. Here are the steps that he mentioned to rent a flat in Mumbai.  

  • Visit the

    NoBroker website

  • Click on the ‘Rent’ option.

  • Choose your city and Mumbai and add three localities in the section next to it. 

  • Click on Full house in the accommodation type, choose the BHK type, and availability according to your choice. 

  • Next, I was asked to click on the ‘Search’.

  • This will display all the listed houses.

  • Finally, I had toclick on ‘Contact Owner’ to connect with them and take things forward.

And that is how to find a flat for rent in Mumbai. My friend also said that I will get 9 free owner contact details. After which, if I am still not able to find any house to my liking among the listings, then I can opt for NoBroker’s Tenant Plans. With this, you will be able to find rent faster.

Get Guaranteed Home or 100% Refund Via NoBroker’s MoneyBack Tenant Plan


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1 2022-12-01T10:41:39+00:00

Last year I got a job in Mumbai. My friend who was living in 1 BHK in Mumbai suggested we should start searching for a 2BHK. We struggled a lot to find a good 2 BHK flat in Mumbai for rent. After putting in a lot of effort and many different approaches, we finally got a decent place to ourselves. Let me help you ease your woes. 

Get budget friendly flats on rent listed on NoBroker 

Get your legally verified rent agreement made through NoBroker 

  How to get cheap flats in Mumbai for rent?

We both were working and needed to save as much money as possible so we were looking for cheap flats for rent. Someone suggested I should check out NoBroker. Thankfully, we spotted many options to choose a flat from there. The best part is we could select the rent range, location and many other preferences on their app. You yourself can visit it and check it out yourself and here is the link:



Since then whenever someone asks us how to find flats for rent in Mumbai, we suggest to them NoBroker. 

  Why is NoBroker a good option to get a flat?

Our budget for a 2 BHK flat was Rs 35000 maximum and we wouldn't have been able to give a deposit amount of more than 1.5 Lakhs together. If you ask your friends, colleagues or relatives they can suggest apartments but I don’t think they all will match your criteria. In NoBroker we could select

  • Place

  • Floor Number

  • 3 minimum locations

  • Budget and more


We could also see whether the flats have power backup or not so yes, we loved it. Through NoBroker only we got a flat within Rs 32000 and we were happy enough. And let me also tell you that they can also make the rent agreement for you. We at least got it from them within a very short period. 


We at least got our desired 2 BHK flat in Mumbai for rent via NoBroker and I hope you will also get yours soon.

  Read More:

What is the rent of 2 BHK in Mumbai?

What’s the best rent in Mumbai?

What is the approximate rent per month in Mumbai?

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