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How To Find Good Flatmates?

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2 Year


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0 2024-10-08T09:13:33+00:00

Himani’s suggestions on how to find flatmates are pretty good and effective but I found them time-consuming. I was able to find a spacious property in Bangalore but its rent was quite high so I planned to share it with another person. I posted an ad about it on social media platforms and asked my close ones to refer tenants but none of them were useful. That is when I opted for NoBroker and was able to find a tenant within two weeks. 

How to Find a Flat Mate?

To find a flatmate through NoBroker, you will have to

  • Visit

    NoBroker’s Tenant


  • Select the location of your property

  • Choose 3 localities next

  • Tap on Search

  • Scroll to the bottom

  • Tap on the “Post Your Requirement” option

  • Select from the options like type of tenant, room type, furnishing type and others

  • Provide your name, email and phone number so that people can contact you

  • Tap on Save Alert and wait for leads

This is how you can find good tenants easily. 

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What To Do When One Flatmate Leaves?

2 2023-01-02T12:59:04+00:00

Hey Buddy,

US comedies like Friends and How I Met Your Mother depict the antics of roommates in a positive light and are set in dubious-affordable apartments. Living together can be humorous, crazy, and downright enjoyable—you just need to know how to find a flatmate first.

Visit the home page of NoBroker to find your flatmate Consider rental agreement services offered by NoBroker online Tips on how to find good flatmates:
  • Decide what you want:

Think about your lifestyle and the type of person you want to live with before you start anything. When it comes to flatshares, COVID has taught us that you should choose a roommate that you feel at ease spending time with at home.

You might not desire a BFF, but rather someone you could talk to while drinking tea in the kitchen.

  • Consult your relatives and friends

Friends and family might be a fantastic initial port of call when it comes to the best place to find a roommate.

  • Make a post

Despite its flaws, social networking may be a terrific resource for finding the ideal flatmate. If you're trying to locate someone to occupy your spare room, you may create a thorough description that includes the location of the closest transportation hub, the monthly rent, and any appealing features like whether the room has ensuite, built-in shelving, Is the space notably quiet.

A quick and easy way to inform your network that you're looking for a job is to post a status update on Facebook or an Instagram story.

  • Personally meet

The next step would be to meet in person once you think you've located a possible flatmate, whether through friends, social media, or a website. This is your chance to learn as much as you can about them and how they live and to get a sense of who they are.

Be safe at all times when planning the gathering. You could invite a friend to go with you when you go see a vacant room. The same rule applies if you're showing someone a room in the rental home you're already living in. You could set up a video call if you are unable to meet in person.

  • Ask numerous inquiries

It might be helpful to learn:

  1. Their level of sociability—do they go out every night? Or do they prefer to stay at home?

  2. What sort of cleaning routine do they have—are they allergic to doing the dishes? a formidable cleaner?

  3. What do they anticipate from a roommate—the occasional house meal? Who's in for the toilet paper?

  4. Do they have a job, and if so, will they work remotely?

Always have an open mind and trust your instincts. There will always be other potential housemates available if things don't feel quite right.

I believe these above-mentioned steps would help you with your query. I hope this helps:)

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