My best friend had to complete an online transaction last month in order to pay his younger brother's college fees. He possessed a Union Bank of India account. He contacted me to know whether I have any idea on how to get the Union Bank of India IFSC code. I researched online and found that one can find the IFSC code from the official website of their respective bank. Scroll to get the steps to find the IFSC code of UBI.
Steps to Get Union Bank IFSC Code Number
By simply entering the beneficiary's bank information and the IFSC Code, you can quickly transfer money from one bank account to another. Since there are numerous banks in India, each of which has a sizable number of branches, is assigned its own unique code to prevent misunderstanding.
Union Bank of India is given a unique 11-digit alphanumeric code by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which aids in identifying its different branches. Check out tips on how to find IFSC code for Union Bank of India below:
The IFSC Code is visible on the first page of your Union Bank of India passbook.
You can also get the IFSC code from the top of Union Bank of India cheques.
Moreover, you can also get IFSC code via
You may additionally utilise third-party websites or platforms that offer IFSC code lookup services as an alternative.
Check out few examples of Bangalore below:
IFSC Code | UBI Branch Name |
UBI BTM Layout |
UBIN0556521 |
UBI Bangalore City |
UBIN0533131 |
UBI HSR Layout |
UBIN0554626 |
UBI Domlur |
UBIN0533122 |
I hope you got an idea of how to find IFSC code of Union Bank of India.
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How to Find IFSC Code of Union Bank of India?
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