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How to find positive cash flowing properties in new Delhi?

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4 Year


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0 2021-01-05T19:01:30+00:00
Okay, let's understand the meaning of positive cash flow property first. Positive Cash flow property is basically a real estate property that makes more cash returns than a comparable property, let me explain it in simple words if the income which mostly comes from rents is more than sum of all the expenses on the property is called positive cash flow. Positive cash flow properties usually have a very lower level of appreciation. It may sounds easy-peasy but its really hard to find good cash properties nowadays. and this whole process is kind of risky, just one wrong investment and you will start creating "negative cash flow" and this kinds of cases consumes more money than you spent on the property. But still there are ways you can try to find positive cash flow properties These kinds of places mostly out of the capital cities (in regional areas) with less population and are not fully-developed - thats' when the cost of real estate is low. Try to buy the cheaper properties in developing areas it gives better returns in the future as those areas develop.

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