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How to Fix Chipped Kitchen Cabinets?

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5 months


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Hi there. I know how to fix chipped kitchen cabinets. While working in the kitchen, I noticed a couple of chips on the cabinet a week ago. My partner likes to fix these small things on his own during weekends. So, as a fun thing, I joined in and tried my hands at fixing the chip. For this, you’ll need a wood filler, sandpaper, paint and a putty knife. I am describing the steps below.

How to Repair Chipped Paint on Kitchen Cabinets?

  • Begin by removing everything from the cabinet. Then, clean the cabinet and the chipped area with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water. Gently wipe the cloth to avoid scratching. Later, dry the cabinet with a soft and dry cloth. 

  • Once the cabinet has dried, move on to fixing the chipped area.

  • Scoop out a bit of wood filler onto your putty knife.

  • Press the wood filler in the chipped region gently. The filler should fill the chip.

  • Smooth the area with the putty knife and remove extra filler.

  • Wait for 10 to 30 minutes until the wood filler has dried completely.

  • After the filler has dried, sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper till the surface is smooth and levelled with the rest of the surface.

  • Next comes painting the chipped region. 

    • Take a small brush to apply primer over the filler and let it dry.

    • After the primer dries, take another small brush and touch up paint that matches the colour of your cabinet.

    • Let the paint air dry completely.

As far as how to repair chipped gloss kitchen cabinets goes, you can use a touch-up pen for small chips. While for bigger ones, filler should work fine.

Even if you want to know how to fix chipped laminate kitchen cabinets, the process remains the same as filler does a good job in concealing the chip.

This is all about how to fix chipped kitchen cabinets. I hope it helps.

Revive the Look of Your Cabinets With Professional Paint Touch Up Via NoBroker Painting! Some related information:

Which is the Best Paint for Kitchen Cabinets?


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