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How to Fix Electrical Problems in House?

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Hey there.  We were facing some issue related to electricity in our house. One was that the light bulb was turning really hot. We were able to fix it at home. There are some other issues as well which I have the solution to. I can thus tell you how to fix electrical problems in house in India. Let me write everything down below.

Solutions to Common Electrical Problems

Here are the solutions to some of the electrical problems:

  1. Warm switches or outlets: You need to switch off the breaker to the outlet or switch and call an electrician. Don’t use the switch or outlet till the electrical arrives.

  2. Really hot light blub: For this, check that the printed wattage on the light bulb is equivalent to or less than the printed max wattage on the light socket. If you aren’t sure or the house is old, stick with bulbs which are not more than 60 watts.

  3. Plug falls out of wall outlet: In this case, you have to buy a new outlet and replace it. 

  4. High electricity bill: You can try a few things in this case:

  1. Fix the hot water system and check for any leakage.

  2. Limit the usage of high power consuming appliances.

  3. Change the electricity provider for a less expensive one.

  4. Check the appliances which are causing the bill to rise.

This is how to fix electrical problems in house. I hope this helps you out.

Get Long Lasting Fixes for All Electrical Issues Via NoBroker Electricians! Some related information:

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