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How to Foreclose SBI Credit Card EMI?

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2 2022-04-06T10:50:02+00:00
Best Answer
If you have taken a loan from your SBI credit card and you have enough money you can choose to pay the outstanding amount in one go and pay off the debt. To learn how to foreclose SBI credit card EMI I will share a simple guide with you which will help you out.

How to foreclose SBI credit card EMI online?

For how to foreclose SBI credit card loan you need to fulfill a few requirements. The requirements are:
  • You need to know the Login credentials, User ID, mobile number and SBI card number.
  • You need to know which mobile number is registered in the bank.
  • You have to put the OTP from your registered mobile number.

How to foreclose EMI on SBI credit card?

  • Go to the SBI credit card website.
  • Login after visiting the home page.
  • Fill in your username, mobile number and card details.
  • Enter the OTP from the registered mobile number.
  • Create a new pin after receiving the OTP and log in.
  • Tap on Benefits after getting access to the dashboard.
  • Tap on Foreclosure option.
  • Choose your credit card to foreclose the EMI.
  • Choose the Product Type such as mobile phone, electronic items, etc to foreclose.
  • Choose the EMI you need to foreclose.
  • You will be able to generate the foreclose charges and the amount you have to pay.
  • Tap on Confirm by accepting the terms and conditions.
  • You will get an OTP on your registered mobile phone and this is how you need to confirm the SBI credit card EMI foreclose request.
The process of how to foreclose SBI credit card EMI is simple. Try to foreclose before 12 AM as the website remains down during midnight. I hope you find this helpful. Get home loans from the banks you want at the lowest interest rate by choosing NoBroker home loan services. Read more: How To Pay Challan Online SBI? How To Check Loan Eligibility In SBI? How To Check Home Loan Eligibility In SBI? How To Do Prepayment Of SBI Home Loan?
1 2023-10-04T22:45:50+00:00

Hi there. I was looking for the SBI credit card EMI foreclosure process. I got to know about this facility through a friend who successfully foreclosed his loan taken from the SBI credit card. As you must be aware, if you have enough funds, you can choose to pay the outstanding amount and clear off your debt by making a single payment for your loan. My friend told me about a simple process to get things done. Let me share the same with you.

Procedure for SBI credit card EMI foreclosure

Mr. Amit has presented a working process for requesting foreclosure of the SBI credit card through the means of the SBI card website.

I would like to share an alternative method for the same 

You can call the SBI Card helpline number: 39 02 02 02 (Prefix STD code of your city while calling from mobile) or 1860 180 1290 (if calling from MTNL and BSNL lines). The IVR and emergency services are open 24*7, while customer care is available from Monday to Saturday between 8 AM to 8 PM. 

When the request is made, the outstanding principle amount is moved back to the SBI cardholder’s retail balance. Here, you will be charged a foreclosure fee of 3%. The outstanding principle is calculated on the grounds of reducing interest rates.

For more information regarding foreclosure for merchants, you can refer to this



I hope my answer helps you to learn how to foreclose credit card EMI SBI.

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