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How to Get DTCP Approval for Panchayat Approved Land?

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28 2021-09-09T17:21:05+00:00
Best Answer
The taluk and gram panchayats have been empowered by the State government to approve layout plans of the properties in village limits. They can approve plans/residential properties proposed to be constructed/formed in less than 1acre of land in village limits. Layouts proposed to be formed on more than 1acre of land need to be approved by DTCP (Directorate of Town and Country Planning). Now let me tell you how to get DTCP approval for panchayat approved land in Tamil Nadu: You can visit this link (http://www.tnlayoutreg.in/) to apply for DTCP approval online. This online application consists of 2 parts : In the 1st part, you are required to complete the registration. In the 2nd part, you are required to select the appropriate field of Regularisation i.e. Application for “Regularisation of Plot in a Layout” or Application for “Regularisation of Plot in a Subdivision” Please remember that you are required to file a separate application for each plot. Documents required:
  • Identity Proof like Aadhaar Card
  • Site Map
  • Patta Chitta
  • FMB
  • EC for 13 years
Note: You will be required above documents as well as other documents mentioned on the website. It’s important to get the DTCP approval to avoid legal issues and problems while selling the plot. DTCP is short for the Directorate of Town and Country Planning. It falls under the Urban Development Ministry and has come into existence under the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971. Except for the district of Chennai, this DTCP has its jurisdiction all over Tamil Nadu. I hope you like my answer on how to get DTCP approval for panchayat approved land.
3 2023-08-01T13:29:48+00:00

So far whatever I have read here indicates how to get DTCP approved layout copy online. I would like to add that it is sometimes not possible to get these documents online and there may be some ambiguity in the process and its timings. Let me tell you how to get panchayat approval for land offline as well just in case you need to visit the authorities for the same.

Steps for Plot Approval in Village Panchayat

In Tamil Nadu, you have to apply to the concerned Local Planning Authority or Municipal Corporation or Town Panchayat or Village Panchayat, which would,  based on the power delegated  to them either issue the planning permission themselves or refer to the office with jurisdiction for issue of planning permission.

As per my knowledge, the DTCP approval cost per square feet in panchayat is somewhere around Rs. 7.50. You can confirm the updated cost with the authorities.

You must know when you have to apply for DTCP approval. These are the activities that require DTCP approval.

  • Any kind of construction, for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional and formation.

  • The building construction can be one of the following types: ordinary building, special building, Group Development and Multi storeyed building.

I hope I was able to resolve all your questions and concerns around how to get DTCP approved layout copy. Let me know if you need any more information.

Legal solutions made easy with NoBroker's expert guidance Read More: How to Download DTCP Approved Layout? DTCP vs CMDA How to Check DTCP Approval Number Online Telangana? 
4 2023-02-09T07:58:11+00:00

Before beginning my discussion about the DTCP approval, and DTCP approval cost per square feet, let us focus on what is a Panchayat approved land. Plots or layouts cannot be approved by the local panchayat in an area that is under the control of a planning body. The panchayat's role only becomes significant when it has been granted jurisdiction under particular housing or residential designs.

Get help with understanding DTCP layout estimation from the experts at NoBroker

Even if the selected piece of land is under the jurisdiction of a planning authority, many developers nevertheless design plans with the approval of the panchayat. This is illegal and might result in problems in the future.

The Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) creates policies that implement a comprehensive strategy for planned development. As it relates to commercial, residential, and urban planning, the DTCP also provides advice to other organisations and planning bodies on how to control development and stop unauthorised buildings.

In order to begin relatively large-scale projects, all Indian real estate developers must receive approval from the relevant state-run DTCP. Each state's DTCP is unique.

I have gone through the above-mentioned answers regarding, what are the documents required for DTCP approval. I entirely agree with Sarthak, as he provided a detailed list of DTCP approval required documents. 

I’d like to conclude here by highlighting that the DTCP approval cost per square feet varies from state to state. The DTCP fee in Tamil Nadu varies from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000 because the cost for approval depends on the location (rural vs. urban).

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5 2022-09-07T19:37:03+00:00

If you are planning to build a house in a particular area, then you are required to get the project approved by various local bodies. DTCP is one of those local bodies. You are required to get their permission for carrying out any construction activity. It’s an agency established for regulating planning and urban development in a state. Before I answer your query, let me explain the DTCP approval meaning.

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The DTCP (Department of Town and Country Planning) is a local body that formulates policies that include an integrated approach toward planned development. This local body also advises other planning bodies and agencies, related to residential and commercial real estate and urban planning, to prevent unauthorized constructions and regulate development.

Every real estate developer in our country is required to obtain approval from the concerned state-run DTCP for initiating any large-scale project.  Each state has its own Department of Town and Country Planning.

Since Somnath has already mentioned the process to apply for DTCP approval, let me tell you how to do a DTCP approval check.

Most states have introduced an online building plan approval system, the developers can apply and check DTCP approval for projects on the official website. He’ll also be required to submit documents online while submitting the application form.

Complete List of Documents Required for DTCP Approval

The documents can vary from one state to another depending on the nature of the project (institutional, residential, or commercial). Here’s a general list of documents:

  • Site plan showcasing status and width of roads, parking areas, and building setbacks

  • copy of field measurement/copy of village plan/copy of survey sketch/book of survey number duly displaying the proposed site

  • Indicative land use plan/extract of the masterplan, displaying the proposed site

  • Detailed plan displaying existing features like medical/educational/religious institutions/residential colonies within 500m from the proposed site

  • Certificate from the local authority (panchayat secretary/commissioner) displaying width and status/nature of access roads

  • Certificate from a competent authority, mentioning the proposed building isn’t close to any water body

  • Site’s Registered ownership documents

  • Payment details to the DTCP for technical scrutiny and inspection

  • Proposed installation capacity and total project cost of plant and machinery (for an industrial application)

  • Land conversion certificate

  • NOC from the fire and emergency services, state Pollution Control Board, irrigation department, revenue department, and the forest department (if applicable)

DTCP portal of different states:

Tamil Nadu: https://www.tn.gov.in/tcp/

Rajasthan: https://urban.rajasthan.gov.in/

Andhra Pradesh: dtcp.ap.gov.in/dtcpweb/DtcpHome.html

Madhya Pradesh: www.emptownplan.gov.in

Haryana: tcpharyana.gov.in/

Karnataka: www.dtcp.gov.in/kn

Read more:

How To Apply Building Plan Approval Online?

What Are The Documents Required For Building Plan Approval?

I hope now you have understood the DTCP approval meaning.

10 2022-05-16T12:05:29+00:00

If you want to apply for DTCP permission online, you must first create an account on the official website. In addition, you can apply offline by going to the DTCP office in person. I provided detailed instructions on how to apply for and receive DTCP approval for a layout online, as well as the necessary paperwork for DTCP approval. Let’s see the process of DTCP approval online.

How to get panchayat approval for land?

You can easily follow the process mentioned by Somnath to get the DTCP approval in online mode. But you can also follow the following process to get the approval in offline mode.

1) You must provide the site plan, layout plans, Encumbrance Certificate, and other documents with the DTCP permission application form.

2) The Panchayat Executive will examine the request form and relevant documents once you submit them and will ask for more information if necessary. If everything is okay, your proposal is forwarded to the DTCPO's / Regional Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning within 15 days.

3) When the Director of Town and Country Planning gets the Panchayath's application, the person will review the suggestions and send a rough layout to the Panchayat Secretary, indicating the road plan and empty area, with a request to notify you for division.

4) The finished layout with L.P.No. would be forwarded to the Panchayat Secretary, along with terms to be applied while issuing the layout following receipt of the panchayath secretary's report and feasibility reports from the DTCPO's / Regional Deputy Director of Town Planning.

5) If the layout is technically acceptable, it will be submitted to the council for approval. The maximum period the council can take is 90 days from the date of receiving the Director of Town and Country Planning's instructions.

List of DTCP approval documents:

  • Photographs of the construction site and the connecting road.

  • Pre-DCR AutoCAD Drawing

  • Site plan with neighbouring physical aspects

  • A structural engineer's certificate of structural stability.

  • Plan for development.

  • The coordinates of the referenced place.

Now you know the process of DTCP approval online.

If you need an encumbrance certificate, then NoBroker can assist you in the best way. Post your property ad for free on NoBroker and get tenants quickly. Read More: How to get DTCP approval for patta land? How to check DTCP approved layout in Telangana? How to check DTCP approval number online in Tamil Nadu? How to get DTCP approval for already existing properties?

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