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How to get franking machine licence in Telangana?

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1 2021-11-03T16:55:21+00:00
Best Answer

A postal franking machine is a stamping machine or metering device used for streamlining the process of postage. Instead of traveling to post offices, standing in long queues, and weighing your mail, you can attach postage using a franking machine and drop your mails off at your local post box, or get it collected.

Franking services can be used by anyone (organization or individual) providing they hold a valid license issued by Postal Authorities for using franking machines.

How To Get Franking Machine Licence In Telangana

To apply for a new license, you are required to submit an application in the prescribed form to the Licensing Authority and deposit fee for the new license at the identified post offices.

The Licensing Authority can be the Head of the Officer Commanding Postal/SBPO/SDS Unit within whose jurisdiction the machine is situated or independent Gazetted Postmaster of the office, or Directors New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai GPO.


This license is valid for five years after the license generation request date and expires after five years. After that, you’ll be required to raise a renewal request for that specific license and pay renewal charges for the same.

Franking Charges in Telangana

The Fee to apply for a new license: Rs.375

Renewal Fee for the expired license: Rs.475

Read more: What is franking charges for home loan? What is franking Charges?

This is how to get franking machine licence in Telangana!

0 2022-04-29T19:20:20+00:00

Hey Neema,

I believe many of you must not be completely aware of the meaning of a franking machine. A franking machine is a stamping machine that is used to stamp impressions with the help of a dye on the official and private postal articles and in the payment of postal fees and postage. I came to know about a franking machine when my organisation decided to apply for a licence for a franking machine. I was asked by my superiors to look into the matter and get an understanding of

how to get stamp vendor licence in Telangana. So, I started looking up the process of application and all the other important information related to a franking machine.

I came across Mr. Somnath’s response on the NoBroker forum where he had enlisted the process of how to get franking licence in Telangana and also mentioned the charges in it. But I believe you must have a little more information than that so that you can analyse if you want a franking machine in the future for yourself or not.

Franking machine licence issued by the Licensing Authority can be categorised into three types:

  • Individual

    - The individual licence is provided to an individual or a firm that uses a franking machine for their own mail concern or their sister company’s mail-related concerns. A sister company can be a subsidiary company or a company on the same e premises of the company holding a franking machine license.

  • Commercial-

    This licence is given to individuals or firms which present a list of clients and their consent letters for using the franking machine. For example, a mailing agent or a registrar.

  • Departmental

    - Such licences are provided for the Department of posts only.

So, a franking machine can be used for stamping documents for the purpose of determining that the document is legal and the payment of stamp duty has been done.

How to get a franking machine?

As can be understood from Mr. Somnath’s answer, anyone can get a fracking machine if they have a licence for it from the licensing authority.

I hope now you have a better idea of

how to get stamp vendor licence in Telangana and the different types of franking machines you can get with a licence.

Get end-to-end assistance from property document verification to registration of your property through NoBroker’s Buyer Assist Package. Read More: What is Franking Charges? What is Franking Charges for Home Loan?

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