Patta is a legal document issued by Tamil Nadu government. The document has the property records of a particular land parcel. The information enclosed in patta includes; Name of the owner, survey number and sub division number of the land, patta number, land location details and tax details of the land parcel. Now the question arises how to get patta online.
If you are applying for a new patta online, here is the detailed process on how to get patta for land.
Go to the official website of Anytime, Anywhere e-services Tamil Nadu
Go to ‘View Patta’
Now choose the district of your property
Fill details like district, taluk, village, ward, block, survey number and patta number
Submit and verify all the details
If you want to know how to take patta online, these are the steps to help you.
On the official website of e-services of Tamil Nadu
Click on View Patta
Enter district, Taluk, Village and Village Patta Number or Survey Number
Enter authentication value
Click on ‘Submit’
You will find the patta document issued for the survey number on your screen.
This is the process on how to find patta number.
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How to get patta online?
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3 Year
2021-07-12T14:32:58+00:00 2021-07-13T17:54:20+00:00Comment