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How to Get Rid of Ammonia Smell in House?

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Hello. I observed a really strong ammonia smell once and wanted to get rid of it. My pet had urinated in the area before and that was the reason for the smell. As soon as I found out about it, I searched for how to get rid of ammonia smell in house and found three DIY solutions. You can use vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to remove the smell. Let me share the steps.

How to Get Rid of Ammonia Smell in Room?

Here are three ways to remove ammonia odour from your room.


  1. Transfer white vinegar to a spray bottle. The vinegar should be pure and undiluted.

  2. Spray it over the area where the ammonia odour is the strongest. 

  3. Give time for the area to dry and then see if you need to reapply the vinegar.

  4. Repeat the process until the smell goes away.

Baking Soda

  1. Apply a thin layer of baking soda over the surface where the smell is the strongest.

  2. Let the baking soda be for a day and then clean it using a vacuum cleaner.

  3. If needed, repeat the process until you’re satisfied with the results.

Hydrogen Peroxide

  1. Start by diluting hydrogen peroxide with water in the ratio of 3:7. 

  2. Dampen a cloth with the mixture and blot the surface with it.

  3. Rinse the region using cool water.

  4. If the smell remains, repeat the process.

This is how to get ammonia smell out of room. I hope it helps.

Get Rid of Ammonia Smell from your House Via Expert Cleaning of NoBroker! Some related information:

How to Remove Smell of Perfume Spread in the Room?

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