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How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom?

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0 2024-11-15T09:50:23+00:00

I spotted some mould growing in a corner in my bathroom, and I just had to get rid of it right away. I started looking for ways to get rid of the mould from my bathroom. I came across quite a few methods such as using bleach, vinegar and mould removers. If you want to know how to get rid of mold in bathroom using those, then you can check the answer provided by Anuja. However, in my case, to get rid of mould, I used baking soda. I have shared the steps below for your reference. 

How Do You Get Rid of Mold in the Bathroom?

Apart from the methods mentioned above, I learned about another method that can be used to remove mould, which is by using baking soda. I have added the steps that need to be followed below. 

  • Start by making a mixture by combining baking soda and water. 

  • Place the mixture over the mould and let it sit for ten minutes. 

  • After that, clean off the mixture using a sponge. You can also use water and soap to clean the mixture. 

And that’s it. Now, even after cleaning, if the problems persist, then it's best to hire a professional. 

Hire Professional Cleaners through NoBoker to Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Mould Free Read More

How to get rid of mould on walls permanently?

0 2024-09-12T16:35:13+00:00

Mould is a common household problem. We were sick of the mould in our bathroom and it was nearing Diwali last year. I tried every cleaning product I could find but nothing worked. Then, my husband spoke to his friend, who suggested we get it done by professionals instead of doing it ourselves. He recommended NoBroker bathroom cleaning services. We booked their premium service and to our surprise, the result was fabulous. From machine scrubbing to hard water stains removal, they covered everything. They also shared some tips on how to get rid of mold in bathroom.

How to Get Rid of Black Mold in Bathroom?

  • Bleach: They suggested we do it by turning on the exhaust fan while working with bleach. A bleach-to-water solution can be effective for surfaces like sinks, toilets, and showers, and not ideal for the walls or ceilings. 

  • Vinegar: Spray vinegar directly on the surface or dilute it to remove mould off the tiles. However, they suggested checking the tile material first before using vinegar as it can damage the surface. It’s usually not recommended to use vinegar for marble, slate, stone, or granite tiles. 

  • Mould Removers: According to them, using mould removers can be quick and effective but if we’re looking for a cheaper solution, using borax can be a better option. It’s a white mineral powder, a natural product that can help  if you’re looking for a solution to how to remove mould from bathroom.

  • Seek professionals: This is an advice from my end and I want you all to be careful about. If you suspect your bathroom has a black mould known as Stachybotrys chartarum, better seek a professional to test it as it can lead to a larger problem or any health issues.

One thing I understood from their suggestions is that there are different ways/products on how to remove mold from bathroom. What can be used to remove mould from the tiles might not be helpful for the ceiling or walls. So, it’s better to consult professionals and let them handle these more meticulously, especially during special occasions or festivals, when you are expecting a lot of guests. 

Hope this helps you in your query on how to get rid of mold in bathroom.

Get Your Bathroom Professionally Scrubbed and Cleaned Via NoBroker Bathroom Cleaning Services Read more:  How to Clean Your Bathroom in 10 Minutes?  

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