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How to Give Blank Cheque for Loan?

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Before telling you how to give blank cheque for loan, let me inform you about this cheque. This cheque is a cheque that has been signed by an authorised cheque signer but lacks any more information, such as the date, payee, or amount. Providing a blank cheque as security for a loan is a common practice in India. However, it requires caution to prevent misuse. Let me share more details.

Can I Give Blank Cheque for Loan?

Unless your bank doesn’t ask for it, you should not give the blank cheque to them. The lender may request a blank cheque to ensure repayment. The cheque acts as collateral, and no amount is filled in initially.Do not leave the cheque entirely blank. At a minimum, write "Account Payee Only" across the top or in the payee section and your signature as per bank records.Attach a signed document or get a receipt from the lender, stating:
  1. The purpose of the blank cheque.
  2. That it will be used only in case of default or as per the agreed terms.
Some lenders may accept a series of post-dated cheques instead of a blank one, offering more security and transparency.Misuse of a blank cheque can lead to disputes under Section 139 of the Negotiable Instruments Act. I hope this solves your query.Get Instant Cash Up to Rs. 10 Lakhs into Your Bank Account via NB InstaCash.Read moreHow to Give Cancelled Cheque 

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