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How to Grout Granite Countertops?

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During our tiling and granite countertop installation, I learnt how grouting is done. Three major steps need to be followed for it, and they are; cleaning the surface, applying the grout, and then removing the excess. It is simple, so learn about the process of how to grout granite countertops step by step next and try it. 

How to Regrout Granite Countertop?

Grouting or regrouting also follows the same steps. The only difference is that in grouting, you do not need to scrap the old filler, as it has none. However, in regrouting, you need to scrape out the old grout.

Here are the steps to grout granite countertops:

  • Start by cleansing the granite surface and the spaces between tiles 

  • If you are regrouting, get rid of the old grout completely using a relevant tool or a utility knife

  • The next step is to choose a grout colour that goes with your granite countertop

  • Spread the grout evenly across the seams, pressing it firmly to fill all gaps. 

  • It's better to work in small sections to ensure even application and continue filling in any empty spaces until all seems smoothly filled and level with the granite surface.

  • After half an hour, use a damp sponge to wipe off any excess grout from the granite, taking care not to drag grout out of the seams. 

  • Once dry, clean the surface with a soft cloth to remove any remaining residue. 

  • Finally, after 24 hours, apply a grout sealer to protect the countertop and let the grout have a long-lasting finish

Grouting is easy, so you can try doing it, but make sure you follow the instructions mentioned in the grout’s package well. 

For Affordable, Clean and Professional Grouting, Hire NoBroker’s Expert Plumbers 

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