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How to Install Aquaguard Water Purifier?

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We got our aquaguard installed by an electrician but since I have seen him do it, I can tell you how to install aquaguard water purifier by yourself. The professional also explained to us briefly about the process and a few common mistakes that one should avoid while installing a water purifier. You just need to keep some tools and materials handy while fitting the aquaguard.

How to Fit Aquaguard Water Purifier?

Before you start the process, get all the supplies, such as wrench, drills, screws, and the purifier unit. Also, read the instructions on the manual properly before starting. Here are some steps that you should follow on how to install aquaguard classic water purifier.

  1. First, mount the purifier on the wall properly by using the screws and brackets to securely attach it.

  2. Then, connect the inlet pipe to the water source, and the outlet pipe to the water storage tank. The professional said it’s crucial to double check the connections to ensure the connection is tight to prevent leakage.

  3. Once you get the connections tight, plug the purifier and secure the electrical connections.

  4. Then, you need to install the filters and cartridges by reading the instructions in the manual. 

  5. After the installation, the professional flushed the system to remove any impurities and air bubbles. Then, he opened the water supply, which was to let the water flow through the purifier for a while.

  6. Then, he said it’s crucial to check the water pressure and adjust purifier connections, if required. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Installation

The professional also explained some mistakes to avoid while installing a water purifier.

  • Checking if there are loose connections

  • Water pressure should be within the recommended range.

  • Positioning the unit away from the heat sources/sunlight.

I hope this helps you understand how to install aquaguard water purifier

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