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How To Install Drywall?

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2 Year


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Hi Buddy,

Drywall installation is a crucial step whether you're finishing a basement renovation or an addition to your house. A few days back I installed drywall at my home. I would like to share the installation process with you guys.

Consult the NoBroker home interior specialists for suggestions on how to handle different drywall repair issues.

Placing plastic sheeting at every door leading to adjacent rooms will help to contain dust when putting drywall. In order to prevent dust from entering the ducting and spreading throughout the house, turn off the air conditioner as well.

When installing drywall, protect your lungs and eyes by donning a dust mask and protective goggles.

How to install drywall:

  • You must measure the area where you will install the drywall. It's crucial to measure both the length and width.

  • Create a diagram on paper with your measurements to remember.

  • Place the white side of the drywall up and record your measurements. When drawing the lines for your cut, use a straight edge.

  • Score your drywall with a utility knife. Although you don't want to totally penetrate the drywall, you do want to press firmly enough to uniformly score it along your line.

  • Give it a solid knee bump from the behind, and it will split in half where you scored it.

  • Use a utility knife to cut through the back paper if it doesn't have a clean break.

  • Take it in and give it a try where you are.

  • It is frequently only a tiny bit too wide, in which case you should use a drywall rasp. It will be sufficiently smoothed out as a result for it to fit in the available space.

  • To insert the screws into the studs, use the drywall screws and dimpler bit. You can prevent the drywall from breaking by installing the screws at the ideal length.

  • Till you're satisfied that you've done it correctly, finish driving drywall screws into studs. If you start at one end and work your way down, it helps prevent cracking.

I hope these steps would help you with your project of drywall installation. 

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