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How To Install Stair Railing To Wall?

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2 Year


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I really love the stair railing especially on stairs which are long and curved. I recently went to a restaurant which was very spacious and the buffet system was arranged on the 2nd floor. I was totally mesmerised by the glass railing on the stairs and got inspired so much that I am planning to install one at my own house as well. The best part is my father knows  how to install stair railing to wall as he has seen it before and is sure that he can do it easily. I asked about it in more detail and would like to share with you the steps as well.


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How to install glass railing on stairs?

The steps to install the railing are:

  • Position and mount the posts at first with the neoprene pads under the base plate

  • Use the neoprene gasket under the base plate and anchor each post using lag bolts with button washers and plastic button caps

  • Anchor each fascia bracket using lag bolts with button washers and plastic button caps

  • Cut and install top rails

  • Make sure that the top rail are at 90 degrees and centre the joint over a post

  • Cur each top rail mitre at half of the total corner angle

  • Add one slice plate to connect and strengthen the mitre joint

  • Fasten the top rail to each post

  • Attach end plates

  • Mount RCBs

  • Cut bottom rails

  • Cut top rail infills

  • Install bottom rails and top rail infills

  • Measure the glass panel and install them

The standard height of railing must be within 30 to 38 inches in height and thus it is better to abide by this measurement range.

If you have the skill, stair railing installation is going to be super easy for you but if not, Do not hesitate to seek experts’ help. My father has been well acquainted with these things since my grandfather used to cut glasses for decoration purposes but without well-equipped things, it is better to avoid doing it.


The idea of how to install stair railing to wall must be quite clear to you now.

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