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How to link mobile number with SBI bank account?

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2 Year


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Hi buddy,

You can follow the steps ahead to link your mobile number with your SBI bank account.

Using an SBI ATM:

  1. Swipe your card first, then select the "Registration" option from the menu and enter your ATM PIN here.

  2. Select the option for registering a mobile number.

  3. If the mobile number you want to register is correct, enter it and choose "correct."

  4. The fourth step will be repeated for reconfirmation, and the screen of the ATM will display the following message: "Thank you for registering your cell number with us."

  5. Your mobile phone will receive an SMS with a reference number.

Via the Home Branch: 

You can go to your local branch and ask to get your cellphone number connected to your bank account. In most cases, you will be required to fill out a form, which the bank representative would assist you with.

You'll get a call from the SBI contact centre within three days. For your own safety, double-check your reference number with the contact centre representative, and only continue the call if it agrees with the reference number in the SMS you received from the bank.

Your contact information will be registered in your bank account once you have confirmed your personal information using the reference number. A confirmation SMS will be sent to you.

I hope I was able to help you.

Read More: Which mobile number is linked to my SBI account?

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