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How to make affidavit for name change?

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Let me tell you, when someone wishes to change their name for several reasons like marriage, divorce, adoption, or just wishing to go by a different name, they need to update it in an affidavit. Now, coming back to your query, how to make affidavit for name change? To make an affidavit for a name change in India, you need to follow a structured process to ensure that your affidavit is legally valid and accepted by authorities. Read on to get the detailed process.

How to Make Affidavit for Name Correction?

You must follow the below process on how to make name change affidavit.

  • The affidavit should clearly state your intention to change your name and provide the details necessary for verification. It must include the title of the affidavit, deponent details, affirmation and date and location where the affidavit is being made. Apart from this, your affidavit must have a statement of facts.

    • A declaration of your current name (as per the official records like passport, voter ID, etc.).

    • A statement that you wish to change your name to a new name.

    • A reason for the name change (optional, but some authorities may ask for a valid reason).

    • A declaration that the new name will be used in all official and personal matters in the future, and you will no longer use your old name.

  • Now, all you need to do is sign it in front of a Notary Public. It is because they will verify your identity and witness the affidavit signing.

  • The Notary Public will then affix their stamp and signature on it.

  • When submitting the affidavit, you may need to provide copies of supporting documents, such as ID proof, residence proof, signed and notarised affidavit, and so on.

  • In certain cases (changing name for legal or professional reasons), it might be necessary to publish your name change in a local newspaper to notify the public.

  • You can then provide a newspaper clipping to the authorities or institutions requesting the name change.

  • Submit your notarised affidavit to the relevant authorities.

Let me also share the sample template of a name change affidavit here.



I, [Your Full Name], aged [Your Age], son/daughter of [Father’s Name], resident of [Your Full Address], do solemnly affirm and declare as under:

  • That I am an adult citizen of India, and I am currently known by the name [Your Old Name] as per my [mention document name such as passport, voter ID, etc.].

  • I have changed my name from [Your Old Name] to [Your New Name] for the reasons [mention reason for change if applicable].

  • From this day onwards, I will be called as [Your New Name], and I shall use this name for all official and personal purposes.

  • I will not, under any circumstances, use my old name [Your Old Name] in any future documents, and all my records will reflect my new name [Your New Name].

  • This affidavit is being executed to confirm my name change for all purposes.

I solemnly affirm that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Date: [Date]

Place: [Place]

Deponent's Signature

I hope you understand how to make affidavit for name change.

Get Your Name Changed in Affidavit by Experts at NoBroker.

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If you have ever changed your name, you would know that we need an affidavit for name change process. It is because an affidavit serves as an oath or a legal document through which you can make a declaration that everything that you mention in the affidavit is true to the best of your knowledge. Let me further explain to you about the affidavit name change process.

How to make an online affidavit for name change?

The name change process through an affidavit is a mere three-step process that can be completed within no time if you do it carefully. 

Make an affidavit: The first thing that you need to do is get an affidavit prepared and sworn before a magistrate or a notary. You can get a form for completing the affidavit online or offline. You will have to fill the form with all the necessary details asked along with the reason for changing your name, address, and age, among other details. You can then get this affidavit printed on non-judicial stamp paper. 

Documents Needed for name change affidavit online

  • A request letter to the authority.

  • An affidavit on a stamp paper

  • Photocopies of valid ID proof (Passport, Aadhaar card, or PAN card)

  • Two passport size photos

  • The prescribed proforma in printed format (signed by the applicant as well as 2 witnesses)

  • The original newspaper with the name change ad

  • A CD which includes a soft copy of the duly filled application in .docx format

  • A letter specifying that the content in the soft and hard copy of the application is true

I hope my answer helps you understand the

affidavit name change process.

Make Affidavit for Name Change with the Help of Expert Lawyers at at NoBroker. Read More: How to change name in electricity bill? How to change name in Aadhar card online? How to change name in property tax online?

Over the years I have seen many of my friends change their names. I always wondered what it was that made them change their name because I think your name defines your identity. But people can change their names for multiple reasons if they have an affidavit for change of name. Yes, it is legally possible to change your name in India as and when you need, given that some specific requirements are met. I will tell you how to get affidavit for name change. 

You can contact NoBroker Legal Service experts to get name change affidavit drafted anytime

Affidavit for name mismatch

One of the most crucial steps in the authentication process of name change is the attestation of the name change affidavit which requires the mark of attestation from a competent authority. It is required by the law which also needs a name change applicant to state their citizenship.

How To Make It Legally Enforceable And Valid?

During the process of name change through an affidavit, you may find it difficult to get a magistrate’s appointment. So, instead, you can get a notary signature which is considered to be equally valid. This can be done by a resident Indian. If you are an Indian living abroad, you will have to submit a deed that is attested by the respective Indian Embassy / Indian High Commission.

After getting the affidavit attested or notarized the next thing that you need to do is get the name change published in two local newspapers or in the state gazette.

Read More: How to change name in Aadhar Card?
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Whatever the reason for changing the name might be, you have to go through a proper process. The legal process for changing the name is not that complicated. Read below to know how to make affidavit for name change easily:

Easy Process: How to Make Affidavit For Name Correction Affidavit for Name Change

First, prepare an affidavit for a name change, which includes details like your new name, old name, the reason for the name change (correction in existing name, divorce, numerological, legal, marriage, etc.). It is required to be signed by 2 witnesses. You can get it attested from a notary or magistrate.

Publish Advertisement

Next, you are required to publish an advertisement mentioning the relevant info in two newspapers (one regional and one English). I suggest you keep 3-4 copies of the published ad for future reference.

You can check out the attached template for the same.

Publish in the State Gazette

You are required to publish the Notification about the Name Change in the Gazette India. Keep the copy of the notification with you for future use. I want to tell you that publication in the Gazette of India is not necessary for every state, it depends upon the State to State. However, it’s necessary for Govt. Employees to draft the Name Change Deed and to publish the notification about the name change in the Gazette of India.

Draft Name Change Affidavit with Expert Assistance via NoBroker Legal Services

I hope now you know how to make name change affidavit.

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What is affidavit certificate?

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I hope you like my answer on how to make affidavit for name change.

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