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How to measure glass railings for the stairs?

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If you do not have a precise measurement of the stair railing, you will either order too few glasses that will make your task harder or you will either order too many, which will be worthless to you. This is why you should know the railing dimensions before ordering a glass railing for the stairs.

Reach Out to NoBroker’s Interior Designer to Know How You Can Decorate Your Stairs as per Your Needs!

How to Measure Glass Stair Railing

Measuring the Angles of Stairs:

First, measure the angles of the stairwell using an angle finder. If you don’t have one and don’t want to spend money on buying one, then you can download an angle finder app on your phone to complete this step.

Determining the Axis of Angles:

Because the angle you’ll be measuring is the stair pitch, you have to measure the angles from the horizontal axis. Measuring only a single angle or point isn’t enough; you are required to move around and measure angles from various angles to make sure that you have accurately measured the steps’ angle.

You should measure the width horizontally & parallel to the ground. Plus, you should measure the breadth of the glass railing horizontally from the newel face to the newel face.

Measure The Rail’s Height:

Finally, determine the handrail’s height. Consider the distance between the handrail’s bottom and the top of the base rail when determining the stair balustrade’s height. Don’t take the floor’s overall height into consideration.

This is how to measure glass railings for the stairs.

Consult NoBroker’s Experienced Carpenters to Repair Squeaky Wooden Stairs at the Affordable Prices! 

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I hope now you will be able to measure railing dimensions properly.


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