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How to Open Almirah Lock Without Key?

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1 2024-09-20T14:50:52+00:00

Hi Viren. I recently moved into a new rental apartment, and during the shifting process, I misplaced my almirah key. I had to take some items out for the house warming party, therefore I had to unlock my almirah lock on priority. As I was unaware of how to open almirah lock without key, I researched it. I found that it can be opened easily using paper clips. I have shared the detailed instructions below for your reference.

How to Unlock Almirah Lock Without Key?

I came across a YouTube video where I found that it can be opened with paper clips. I followed the below steps and my almirah lock got opened immediately:

  • I first inserted a paperclip in the lock.

  • I used one paper clip for tensioning and one as a rake pick. 

  • I maintained a small amount of force on the lock in the direction that a key would open it.

  • Till every pin was in the open position, I raked the pins. And my almirah lock turned up and opened in just 3 minutes.

But, even if after following these steps your almirah lock doesn’t open, I would suggest hiring a carpenter. You can get professional help from NoBroker at the lowest rate. I am saying because I already took their service earlier for my wooden sliding door lock repair. I hope you get an idea of how to open almirah without key.

Hire NoBroker Carpenter at Lowest Rate and Get Your Almirah Unlocked Effortlessly Read more:

How to Open Drawer Lock without Key in 2 Minutes?

1 2024-05-08T21:33:33+00:00

Hi Viren, I have faced this situation of opening an almirah door without keys once. I tried a couple of things to unlock the door, and thankfully it worked. So, I would be happy to tell you how to open almirah lock with hairpin without key.

How to Unlock Almirah Lock Without Key?

  • Take two bobby pins, with one bent in an L-shape and the other twisted to form a small and rough W-in shape. Insert the two pins inside the lock at once, and the door will open.

  • A lot of times dust and rust cause the hinges of the almirah to jam. So, you can jiggle the door to loosen up the hinges and make it easier to open. You have to be careful while doing so, as too much pressure can cause damage to the door.

  • If the above step doesn’t work for you and your almirah has a doorknob, you can simply remove it to open the doors of the almirah. Unscrew the knobs and then remove the lock.

So, these are three easy ways through which you can learn how to open almirah lock if key is lost. I was able to open my almirah’s lock this way and hope you’ll be able to too.

Get your Almirah's Door and Lock Fixed in Quick Time Via NoBroker Carpentry! Some related information:

How to Open a Locked Door Without a Key?

Hi there. If you want to learn how to open almirah lock without key, I can help. You have to use a screwdriver and a hairpin for this purpose. There is a simple technique for this, which will help you unlock most kinds of almirah locks without a key. I did this a couple of times when we couldn’t find the key to our cabinets. Luckily, the trick worked, and we were able to unlock the door within a minute. So, let me share the entire process with you.

How to Open Almirah Without Key?

Here is how you can unlock your almirah’s door without the need for a key.

  1. Grab a screwdriver and a hairpin. 

  2. Insert the screwdriver into the lock of your almirah. Then, take the hair clip and insert that into the lock, as well.

  3. Now, you need to be careful here. There will be some pins inside the lock, which you need to push using the hairpin. Push the pin inside and simultaneously twist the screwdriver in the direction where your lock opens. So, for instance, if the lock opens in the anti-clockwise direction, twist the screwdriver in that direction and vice versa. 

  4. Remember to do the twisting and the pushing of the pin at the same time. Once you twist the lock completely, the door will open.

This is all from my side. I hope you now know how to open almirah lock when key lost. Have a good day.

Struggling to open door locks? Contact NoBroker carpenting!

Some related information: How To Open a Jammed Door Lock?

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