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How to Paint Boho Furniture?

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Hello there. I am aware of the process involved. I recently painted my dressing in boho style and can share how to paint furniture boho style. Bohemian style involves painting a rustic look on the furniture using several paint colours overlapping over one another with the help of spraying water and merging layers of paint. This is just a gist of the process. I will describe everything below.

How to Paint Furniture Bohemian Style?

To paint your furniture boho style, follow the following steps:

  1. Clean your furniture first. You can use an appropriate cleaner for the furniture material. You can also use a simple water and mild dish soap solution to clean furniture. Pat dry afterwards.

  2. If your furniture wasn’t painted previously, you don’t need to sand down or strip it. If it was, use sandpaper to do the job. Wipe away with a tack cloth to remove dust.

  3. Apply your base paint coat. It should be thin, smooth and even. Apply your next colour, which should ideally complement the base coat. Again, apply a thin and even coat.

  4. This step is important. Apply 3-4 colours in random places. They don’t need to be perfect, just random layers of each paint in the process of how to paint furniture boho style.

  5. Use a spray bottle filled with water and spray a bit over the areas where you’ve added these layers. The colours will start dripping onto each other. As this happens, use your putty knife to drag the colour across one another. Make several layers over and over.

  6. Let the paint dry a bit. Then, take the putty knife and drag semi-dry and semi-wet paint over one another. 

  7. You will observe bubbles of moisture forming on the surface. Take the knife and scrape across these regions. Drag the wet paint onto the other dry areas.

This is all about how to boho paint furniture. I hope this helps.

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