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How to Paint Over Pink Walls?

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The process of painting over a pink wall is pretty simple. Recently, I painted a pink wall in my living room alone. At first, it seemed like a tough job, but as I went with the flow, the process became much clearer and easier. With how to paint over a pink wall, the secret ingredient here is to choose a good quality primer. 

How to Paint Over Bright Pink Walls?

The painting process is very simple. Here are the steps that you need to follow to paint your pink walls. 

  1. First, have all the required materials such as paintbrush, roller, high-quality primer, old newspapers, cloth, etc. 

  2. Next, lay down newspapers on the floor area beneath the wall that you are going to paint. 

  3. Take out your paint tray and pour a good amount of primer on it. 

  4. Dip your paint roller on the tray and start applying the primer on the walls. Start from the top. 

  5. After that, use a paintbrush to apply a primer to the corners of the walls. 

  6. Let it dry completely. 

  7. Apply with another coat of primer on the wall and let it dry again. 

Now, you can apply a colour of your choice to the wall. The goal of applying the primer is to cover the old paint. And that is how to paint over pink walls. 

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Are you trying to learn how to paint over pink walls? I would suggest that you seek professional help and that’s because I tried painting my pink wall and that ended up badly. To get it fixed, I had to hire a painter.  After taking a look at the wall painted by me, the painter asked whether I had applied primer or not. I said I didn’t. Following that, he showed me the right steps. 

How to Paint Over a Pink Wall?

The painter told me that to paint over deep colours, it's important to use high-quality primers. Here are the steps that he had followed to paint the pink wall in my house.

  • He started by covering the floor below the wall with newspapers and then secured them with painter's tape. 

  • Next, he opened a primer can and applied that on the pink wall. 

  • After the paint had dried, he applied another coat of primer. 

  • Previously, I had tried to paint the wall with a yellow colour, so he opened that paint can and painted it yellow. 

  • When the paint had dried out, he applied another coat of yellow paint. 

And that’s how to paint over bright pink walls. My learning from this ordeal is to hire professionals for these kinds of jobs. Hope this helps. 

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