Paying your loans on time will help you immensely in the long run. Because paying loans on time affects your credit score. The better your credit score, the higher the chances of getting a loan quickly in the future. Your credit score tells a lot about yourself. Such as how you deal with your responsibilities and how prompt you are in your life. And banks prefer a trustworthy and accountable person. Therefore, you should always pay your EMIs on time and check your credit score. Nowadays, it takes seconds to pay your EMI online. Let me share with you how to pay Axis bank home loan EMI online.
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How to increase EMI in Axis bank home loan?
Log in to UPI PSP as per your choice.
Make a UPI ID on the app by choosing your bank and checking the bank account registered on your mobile number. This is required for first-time UPI users.
Now, make the EMI home loan payment to Loans.@axisbank such as Loans.PPR456789012345@axisbank.
After the verification of VPA, the name linked to the bank account will be shown.
You will be able to see the confirmation status as: i) Name of Customer linked to Loan Account ii) Transaction Success/Failure iii) Failure reason (if any).
You should know that this option is not available for NRI.
To increase EMI you need to visit the bank branch with the documents such as:
Last 3 months' salary slip.
Last 6 months' bank statements reflecting your salary.
Your photo identity and address proof.
A letter requesting the change
No extra payment is required for an increase in EMI.
To learn how to calculate home loan EMI in Axis bank:
You can check out the EMI calculator of NoBroker.
Click here to know your EMI every month.I hope my answer on how to pay Axis bank home loan EMI online helped you.
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How to pay Axis bank home loan EMI online?
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