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How to pay BBMP property tax in Bengaluru?

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3 2021-03-30T19:55:26+00:00
Best Answer
How to pay property tax online in Bangalore?

It is easy to pay property tax in Bengaluru using an online method. If you have already paid the property tax in Bengaluru, you can simply use SAS BASE application number or the PID number. 

Here’s how to pay property tax in Bangalore:

  1. Visit



  2. Enter your SAS BASE application number or PID number which will be mentioned in your property tax receipt from previous cycles
  3. Select the property owner or wards number from the given list.
  4. Click on continue
  5. Verify your property details, please ensure that you enter the details correctly if there are any changes in your property.
  6. Once you submit the details, a form will appear on your screen for the confirmation of details including tax payable and option to select payment mode.
  7. Since you are looking to pay property tax in Bengaluru online, choose the mode and proceed with your preferred payment option, i.e., Credit Card/ Debit Card, Net Banking, etc.
  8. Once you make the payment a receipt will be generated, please print it.

Now that you know how to pay property tax online in Bangalore? You must note that there are 6 forms available with BBMP according to the applicability and conditions specified. These are:

  • Form I: For properties with Property Identification Number, usually located in the erstwhile BBMP area.
  • Form II: Property without Property Identification Number but a khata number, located in erstwhile CMC (City Municipal Corporation) and TMC (Town Municipal Corporation) and 110 villages that have been newly added to BBMP
  • Form III: Property without Property Identification Number or Khata Number; unlawful or unauthorized properties
  • Form IV: For properties that haven’t undergone any changes in terms of built up area, usage or its occupancy, etc.
  • Form V: For property’s status changes from under construction to constructed property
  • Form VI: For properties which have been exempted from property tax payment.
0 2024-12-27T11:14:27+00:00

I can share with you two easy ways on how to pay BBMP property tax online. You can pay the tax by visiting the BBMP’s official website or simply via their official app or some other. I prefer paying it via its official website only so let me share that process in detail with you. Just get ready with your PID number and follow the steps I am mentioning here.

How to Pay BBMP House Tax Online?

To pay your BBMP house tax online via their official website, you must 

  1. Visit the

    BBMP property tax portal
  2. Enter your 10-digit application number or PID number

  3. Then provide the Owner\'s Name (only 3 characters)

  4. Tap on Retrieve

  5. View and make the payment next

If you want, you can use some apps for the same. Here is the basic process you need to follow:

  1. Open any property tax payment app

  2. Select the pay property tax option

  3. Choose BBMP as the property tax board

  4. Enter all the details as asked for to generate the tax receipt

  5. Make the tax payment online next

Both of these methods are easy so you can opt for any of them. Sambit has also shared another simple process so opt for whichever option you feel is easy.

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How to Download bbmp tax Paid Receipt?

0 2024-03-27T09:05:37+00:00

Several BBMP property tax online payment options have already been shared with you by the above commenters. You can follow any of them and pay your property tax on time. I, however, use the BBMP tax payment app for this purpose. I feel it is easier and more reliable as well. Let me share my process for BBMP property tax payment here.

How to Pay BBMP Tax Online?

For the BBMP house tax online payment through the BBMP app, you will need to:

  • Download the



  • Get registered in the app next

  • Login next

  • Select the Property Tax option

  • Enter your Property Details

  • View the bill

  • Select the mode of payment

  • Make the BBMP house tax payment and download the receipt

This is the easiest way to pay your property tax online. If you want, you can also make the payment online by visiting the official website of


and then selecting the Pay Property Tax option. 

You can follow Vishwas’ answer to learn the exact steps.

Make Hassle-Free Property Tax Payments Online with NoBroker Utility Bill Payment Service 

Read More:

How to download BBMP tax receipt?

BBMP property tax can be paid online. Here are all the details you need to know about BBMP Property Tax payment.

BBMP Property Tax Calculation

You can calculate BBMP tax payment on the official website of BBMP on Property Tax System. The process to calculate property tax in Bengaluru is as follows: 1.Select your group from the dropdown menu 2. Select the assessment year 3. Select category, subcategory, subgroup, Old Zone, New Zone, Year of construction, built-up area (in sq ft.), Car park area (in sq ft.) 4. Submit the details and you’ll know the payable amount

Once you know the payable amount, this is how you can pay the BBMP property tax online.

1. Go to the official website - Property Tax Portal 2. Enter property ID, Site ID and name 3. Enter your mobile number and verified email id 4. Click ‘submit’ and Enter ’OTP’ 5. After checking the details, click on the payment options and choose from ‘Debit card, credit card or net banking’ options 6. Enter necessary details and click on receipt upon completion
2 2020-11-11T13:37:13+00:00
You can now fill the BBMP property tax online. I am mentioning the steps to pay  BBMP property tax online:
  1. You will have to go to: BBMP property tax website
  2. Now, either enter your previous SAS Application Number or PID (you can find it on your last receipt) and click on ‘Fetch’ which will display property owner details
  3. Click on ‘proceed’ if details displayed are correct and no changes in the property and this will take you to form IV
  4. If there happens to be any changes in the property like property usage, built up area or its occupancy then tick on the box provided on the page and then click on ‘proceed’ which will take you to form V
  5. Check if the details pre-filled in the form displayed including tax computation are correct and proceed to pay (you can either pay it fully or in installments via online or via challan)
  6. If you wish to pay online, use the online payment option (you can pay via net banking, credit/debit card and UPI as well). After choosing an online payment option, you will be redirected to a payment page.
  7. After the completion of the payment, a receipt number will be generated. You will be able to download the E-receipt from the portal after 24 hours .
If you are facing any issue, you can either contact (mail) it to contactus@bbmp@gmail.com or raise an issue at: BBMP online complaint

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