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How to Pay Vacant Land Tax Online in Andhra Pradesh?

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1 2021-08-18T09:12:44+00:00
Best Answer

The vacant lands within the limits of the urban local body are taxed on the basis of certain criteria. First, the vacant lands are identified and evaluated to fix a Vacant Land Tax, which is levied on the vacant land’s owner by the urban local bodies’ Revenue Section. Let’s read about how to pay vacant land tax in Andhra Pradesh.

Several Sources to Pay the Vacant Land Tax Online in Andhra Pradesh:
  1. Meeseva/APOnline

  2. Puraseva App

  3. ULB Counter

  4. cdma.ap.gov.in > Online Services > Property Tax > Know Your Dues

  5. ramachandrapuram.cdma.ap.gov.in > Citizen Services > Payments

The Commissioner and the Directorate of Municipal Administration under the Andhra Pradesh’s State Government facilitate online payment for several services. The collected taxes are used for the jurisdiction in which the property is located.  Few of the services for which the funds are used include fire service, road and highway constructions, sewer improvements, education, and other services that are beneficial for the community.

I hope now you know how to pay vacant land tax online in Andhra Pradesh.

4 2024-06-07T20:50:01+00:00

Hey Megha. The owners of unoccupied land or vacant plots in Andhra Pradesh are required to pay the vacant land tax, much like the tax on residential and commercial properties. As an owner of vacant land in Andhra Pradesh, I can tell you to use the official portal offered by the state's Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration and make your vacant land tax payment online Andhra Pradesh. 

How to Pay Vacant Land Tax in Andhra Pradesh?

I have gone through the steps mentioned in all the answers mentioned here but none of them provided the direct method for paying the vacant land tax in AP in a minute. You can follow the below steps and complete the payment process easily:

  • Visit



  • Choose your district and Corporation/Municipality/NP from the dropdown lists. 

  • Now select your payment type as property tax and tap on the Submit button.

  • Finally, mention all the required details and pay your tax successfully.  

This is the process I follow to pay my land tax. I hope this helps you get an idea of how to pay vacant land tax online in Andhra Pradesh.

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How to pay vacant land tax online?

0 2022-10-17T11:32:03+00:00

You may think that owning a vacant land in Andhra Pradesh means you do not have to pay property tax. But even if the property is categorised as ‘vacant land’, you may need to pay property tax. My uncle wanted to pay for AP agricultural land tax payment online, but he had no idea how! So, I helped him with vlt tax online payment. Check out the step by step guide to understand about the vacant land tax details payment process.

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  1. Go to the official website of cmda at:


  1. After navigating to the home screen tap on ‘online payments’.

  2. Select the option ‘Property Tax’.

  3. Fill in all the details in the form and hit the submit button.

  4. Fill in the details such as assessment number, old assessment number, owner name and the door no.

  5. You will be able to generate the vacant land tax details.

  6. Click on ‘Pay tax’.

  7. Pay the amount required and generate your acknowledgement receipt.

  8. Download the receipt for future reference.


To know about tax dues online follow the step by step guide below:

  1. Visit the official website of the Municipal Administration Department, Andhra Pradesh.

  2. Tap on ‘Online Services’ and select the ‘Property tax’ link.

  3. Select the option ‘Know your tax dues’ from the drop down menu.

  4. Select your district and municipality/ corporation.

  5. Fill in other information such as assessment number, owner name, old assessment number and door number.

  6. Tap on ‘Search’ to check the tax dues.


I hope you know how to generate vacant land tax details now.


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My father owns land in Andhra Pradesh state. The land is not agricultural land but empty land. It’s just been vacant for almost 10 years now, nothing has been constructed there yet. But he has to pay the property tax regularly to the respective state. So let me guide you about the vacant land tax Andhra Pradesh.

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AP vacant land tax payment process:

There are various payment systems launched to pay Andhra Pradesh property tax to settle existing dues. Venkateshwar mentioned all the methods available to pay the vacant land tax. This is a one-time amount determined to be produced by each property owner once every 6 months or for a year. The property tax bill is separate from Agriculture or Industrial tax. The following is the process for vacant land tax payment online Andhra Pradesh.

The process of vacant land tax online payment:

  • Open the online site of CDMA on your device here.

CDMA Official Website

  • Scroll over “Online Payments” to learn more.

  • Select “Property Tax” from the drop-down menu.

  • Select District, Corporation / Municipality / Np, and Payment Type from the drop-down menu.

  • Click Submit, then enter your ten-digit Assessment Number and search.

  • On the right side, click “Pay Tax”.

  • In the given column, enter the amount to be paid

  • Choose CFMS Payment Gateway from the drop-down menu.

  • Accept the Terms & Conditions by scrolling down.

  • To make a payment, go to Pay Online.

  • To make an online payment, go to Online Payment.

  • Charges for various means (Net Banking, Debit/Credit Card) can be found here.

  • Select SBI from the drop-down menu.

  • Choose your payment method from a variety of alternatives and finish your transaction using your safe details.

This way you can pay the vacant land tax Andhra Pradesh.

Manage your property with NoBroker and just relax on your couch. Read More: How to save capital gain tax on sale of land? How to get land tax receipt online? How to pay land tax online in Tamilnadu?

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