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How to Prepare for Kitchen Remodel?

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Our old kitchen looked outdated with discoloured flooring and cracked countertops. I wanted to revamp into a new space with modern conveniences like a dishwasher and a built-in microwave. We had already discussed all this with our project manager at NoBroker and we just had to prepare our kitchen for the remodelling. We didn’t know much about it so our project manager gave some ideas on how to prepare for kitchen remodel. 

How to Prepare for a Kitchen Remodel?

Our project manager advised us the following steps on how to prepare for kitchen renovation.


The first step is to clean out the entire kitchen. This might look like an obvious step but it’s crucial you don’t miss out on important appliances or keep dated things unnecessarily. Stock out all the old, broken, and outdated appliances which you’re sure you won’t use. Once you have all the things you need in your new space, box everything up and keep them separately.

Temporary Kitchen Setup 

Then, you need to set up a temporary kitchen in another room. Our project manager advised us to plan meals that don’t require much preparation. She also gave us an idea of arranging outdoor picnics in the backyard or garden. You can set up a mini pantry with useful things like fridge, microwave, small toaster oven, etc. 

Clear Up Space

Finally, our manager asked us to clear up some space and remove all the personal belongings to a different room. This is to create required space for the contractors and also to save the items from dust. 

These are some necessary steps you can take on how to prepare for a kitchen renovation. 

Give Your Kitchen a New Look with NoBroker Expert Home Renovation Services Read more

How to Renovate a Kitchen on a Budget?

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