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How to prepare for moving house?

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0 2024-03-22T11:49:50+00:00

My brother moves from one place to another almost every year. So, when my turn of moving came, I asked him how to prepare for a house move. He told me that there are four basic steps that I need to follow and I should start atleast a month before moving. Here are the steps mentioned by him. 

How To Get Ready To Move House?

  • Step 1: Make A List

The first step as mentioned by my brother was to make three list of the things that I would need. He suggested I name these lists as Important, Needed and Stuff to Sell. 

  • Step 2: Sorting The Stuff

He said that the next step should be about sorting through all the stuff that I have and  segregating them accordingly. 

  • Step 3: Selling Stuff

Following that, I was suggested that when it comes to how to prepare for house move, Selling stuff is the most time consuming part. He also said the reason for starting so early was because of that. 

  • Step 4: Hire Packers And Movers

My brother told me to hire packers and movers instead of doing it myself. He suggested that I opt for

NoBroker Packers And Movers

as he always uses their service and that they are pretty cheap, trusted professional service providers. 

And that is all that he told me about how to prepare for a house move. I hope this helps. 

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What to Pack First when Moving House

2 2023-03-19T18:01:26+00:00

When I moved out of my college dorm, I had a mammoth task of shifting my clothes, appliances, and furniture into a new space. I asked my friends how to prepare for moving house. They shared a checklist which made the shifting process smoother for them.

Opt for NoBroker packers and movers service to shift your household things with care

How to prepare for a move?

I would recommend making a list of all the items which need to be moved. This way, unnecessary items can be discarded and you can plan any small renovations that you need to take care of in your current home or future home.


You should set your budget for moving after fixing a move out date and move in date for your future place. Having a set budget will make sure you don't end up spending extra money during the move.


The next step on how to prepare for moving house is getting packing supplies like cardboard, tape, scissors, bubble wrap and foam. Expensive appliances will require padding while packing to make sure the item doesn't break. Many people use packing paper or tissue paper to wrap delicate clothes.

Label :

Label each box with the room name and its contents. This will make it easier for you to find and unpack your belongings in your new home.

The process for how to prepare to move out for the first time is the same as mentioned above. Usually, people have emotional attachments to their first homes and tend to hoard some items. Declutter as many items as possible. 

This is all from my end on how to prepare for moving house.

Read more: How to Choose Truck Size and Vehicle Size for Shifting? How Much is the Cost of NoBroker Packers and Movers? How to Claim Insurance from Packers and Movers?

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