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How to prevent snakes from entering home?

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3 Year


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0 2024-02-27T18:18:19+00:00

Hello to all members;

I would just like to share some tips for repelling snakes because not long ago I found myself with a snake in my home and almost shit myself. And, I ran to a neighbor for help and he gave me an anti-snake bait to chase them away, so my neighbor helped me use the product and he showed me the site on which he ordered the product to tell me a little more about the product and to be honest it takes effect in no time. So, I advise you to use a snake repellent to remedy your problems.

0 2021-11-30T17:55:24+00:00

It’s no less than a nightmare to encounter snakes in your backyard. I remember on my trip to Darjeeling last year, we were scared coz in the attic we had rented, a snake was spotted lurking around. We desperately looked for ways on how to prevent snakes from entering home. There were a few locals who helped us out and told us a few tricks to keep away from them. I am going to share them with you.

How to prevent snakes from entering your house?

Here is how you can make your home secure from the wildlife outside:

Get rid of all the hiding places in your backyard

Snakes usually find their home in the cracks, crevices or holes. They can also be found in ventilation ducts, pipelines, damaged gutters, boxes, wooden piles or compost heaps. Try to eliminate each of these possibilities and repair what is damaged ASAP or simply throw everything away.

Keep up the smoke

At the time when we found out that snakes were spotted, we were advised to keep the smoke going in and around our home. Of course we had to be a little careful so as to not start a fire. Snakes particularly dislike the smell of smoke so take advantage of that.

Buy snake repellent

You can buy snake repellent from the store. Usually the snake repellent has ingredients such as naphthalene, sulfur, clove, cinnamon oil, ammonia, garlic and onion extract, vinegar and lime. You can keep all these things handy just in case.

These are a few ways suggested to us on how to prevent snakes from entering home. If you have any more ideas please do share.

Read more: How to keep snakes away from home in India How to get rid of house centipede

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