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How to put stay order on property?

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2 2021-12-24T16:16:36+00:00
Best Answer

Stay order on the property is a temporary injunction on a property where the concerned property is under dispute or has been sold wrongfully where an opposite party is threatening to dispose of property or the property is being alienated or damaged. Let me tell you how to put stay order on property:

You are required to approach the Court under which jurisdiction the property is located. You will be required to submit all the relevant property documents as well as your ID proof. Plus, you will need to submit a copy of the FIR and a copy of the charge sheet to get a stay order on the arrest.

Minimum Requirements for a Stay Order
  • There should be a prima facie case to grant the stay order

  • The stay order doesn’t cause irreparable harm or injury

  • The balance of convenience doesn’t benefit the alleged wrongdoer

Important Points about Stay Order for Property
  • You are required to submit the application without undue delay

  • Make sure all the proofs are correct.

  • You can always appeal to the higher Court in case the Court doesn’t grant the stay order.

The cost of filing the suit and stay petition usually costs around Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 80,000 depending on the lawyer fees. I don’t think there is an online stay order on property procedure.

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How to get stay order from court?

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This is all on how to put stay order on property.

A stay order is an official court document that effectively halts a legal procedure. It is the stoppage of either a case or a specific action within a subject. The court can issue a stay based on a request filed by one of the parties or may do so without official notification to the other party. When a stay is required to protect your rights, courts typically issue it. I am sure you will understand the land stay order clearly here.

Get help from expert lawyers from NoBroker to verify if a property has land stay orders.

How to bring stay order on property?

If you want to bring a stay order to any property, you will have to approach your nearest court as said in the above answers. You will have to contact a reputable lawyer to know about all the legal proceedings.

Agar aap janna chahte hai ki stay kaise lagaye, toh aap ko aapke nazdiki court mein jaakar jankari hasil karni hogi.

What are the reasons for granting a stay order?

It is established in a lawsuit by affidavit or another method:

1) If any property that is in question in a case is in threat of being destroyed, harmed, or transferred by one of the parties to the lawsuit. Or if any property is transferred in violation of a court order,

2)  If the accused plans to remove or sell his property in order to cheat his lenders, or if he attempts to do so.

3) if the accused attempts to evict the client or harm them in some other way about any property at issue in the lawsuit.

You are now aware of the land stay order and its process.

Read More: How much time it takes to make a stay order from the court? How to remove the stay order on the property? What is the process to get a stay order on the property?
0 2022-06-06T22:39:46+00:00

Hey there Lalit,

It was June of 2020 when my uncle finally put a stay order on his building which was wrongly occupied by the builder. He faced many issues because of the builder and the builder wasn’t ready to vacate the building even after many warnings. For my uncle, a stay order was the last resort. I wasn’t very much aware of the exact meaning and importance of a

property stay order. It was after that incident that I came to understand what is stay order on property in real and practical terms. If you are not much aware of it, you can read on further or also read the response by Mr. Parvinder to get an understanding of this.

Opt for NoBroker’s legal services to ensure that the property of your interest if free of any legal troubles.

A stay order simply prohibits the party against whom it is granted from taking any further action in respect to the subject matter until the occurrence of an event or the outcome of a lawsuit. As a result, until a stay order is in effect, the Court's proceedings come to a halt, and the party that requests it can force the operation of the other party to come to a halt.

Benefits of a Stay Order-

The time it takes to obtain a stay order might range from 7 to 21 days. So gaining it may be simple, and if used in a morally sound manner, it may be useful. When a stay order is in place for an extended period of time, it delays the procedures and, as a result, justice. The critical need to address delays in the justice delivery system cannot be overstated, and it must be addressed seriously not only by the system but also by lawyers. Until the accused is protected by the stay order, he can readily interfere with the case's evidence and witnesses, denying the case's right to a fair trial.

How Much Does a Stay Order Cost?

The cost of

application for stay order on property and

filing the litigation and the stay petition could range from Rs. 40K to Rs. 80K, depending on the lawyer's fee. It is, however, well worth it if the stay order decree is granted and the appellant benefits.

I hope I was able to give you some useful knowledge on the meaning of

property stay order.

Read More: What is a Stay Order? What is the Procedure to Get Stay Order on Property?

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