I never believed in balck magic or kala jaadu as we call it in Hindi. But something changed my mind. I live away from my family in Bangalore, back home in Patna mom found weird things happening. She also told me that my sister was falling sick and there was nothing that came out of diagnosis. My mother panicked and she was sure that someone has done black magic at home. She was worried and asked my grandmother how to remove black magic from home. Daadi shared some nuskhe with her which seem to have worked well. My sister is better and finally finances have started getting better too.
How to remove black magic from house?Here are a few things which you can do to remove black magic from house. I am sharing how to remove black magic from home in Hindi as well, just in case anyone else needs help.
Take 7 dried red chillies, and a black thread with 7 knots at equal distance. Now rotate the chillies over the thread 7 times and wrap them in black cloth. Outside your house, keep the black cloth with red chillies on the ground, pour some mustard oil and burn that cloth. Tie the black thread around your ankle. This is done to keep evil spirits away.
7 सूखी लाल मिर्चें और 7 गांठों वाला एक काला धागा समान दूरी पर लें। अब मिर्च को धागे पर 7 बार घुमाएं और काले कपड़े में लपेट दें। अपने घर के बाहर लाल मिर्च वाला काला कपड़ा जमीन पर रखें, उसमें थोड़ा सा सरसों का तेल डालें और उस कपड़े को जला दें। अपने टखने के चारों ओर काला धागा बांधें। यह बुरी आत्माओं को दूर रखने के लिए किया जाता है।
2. To keep black magic at bay, my mother decided to ward off evil eye from my sister. She took a fistful of salt and rotated her hand over my sister’s head 7 times. She then took that salt to the washroom and flushed it down the toilet.
जादू को दूर रखने के लिए, मेरी माँ ने मेरी बहन की बुरी नज़र से बचने का फैसला किया। उसने एक मुट्ठी नमक लिया और मेरी बहन के सिर पर 7 बार हाथ घुमाया। फिर वह उस नमक को वाशरूम में ले गई और उसे शौचालय में बहा दिया।
3. You can perform Chandi Path, Kaal Bhairav Puja and Durga Saptashati Puja.
आप चंडी पाठ, काल भैरव पूजा और दुर्गा सप्तशती पूजा कर सकते हैं।
4. Exercise and meditation daily will help you maintain a positive aura and attitude this will automatically ward off black magic and evil eyes.
रोजाना व्यायाम और ध्यान आपको सकारात्मक आभा और दृष्टिकोण बनाए रखने में मदद करेगा इससे काला जादू और बुरी नजर स्वत: दूर हो जाएगी।
These are a few ways on how to remove black magic from home. If you don’t feel like anything is working in your favour, I would say do consult an astrologer, he will guide you through.

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While a lot of people tend to ignore the existence of Black magic. I always believed that black magic, if done, can cause destruction in your life. So before understanding how to get rid of black magic, let’s understand how to identify if black magic spell is being cast at you. If mishap after mishap occurs out of the blue, and something just seems off, it's possible you are under a black magic spell.
These signs also include feeling lethargic, facing difficulty in every work you undertake, although one gives all efforts to work it is either not recognised or rejected, unnecessary tensions and arguments build within the family, constant fear of something going bad grips the individual.
How to Remove Black Magic in Home?
I read Pankaj’s answer on how to get relief from black magic and the remedy he wrote were actually followed by my grandmom. However, in this answer, I am sharing some other remedies advised by my grandmother :
If you think you are being attracted to something negative, and your aura is slightly different from usual, you should burn camphor every morning and evening in your house.
This is a remedy we follow personally. We take black rai or mustard, Tulsi leaves, mint leaves, lemon peel, til seeds and nilgiri oil or nilgiri leaves and boil it in water for seven minutes and divide it in seven portions and pour
each portion over our body for seven consecutive days.
My grandmom also highlights the importance of keeping Bhairav Yantra at home. As this helps in protecting us from black magic.
Even after doing all these remedies, if you feel that there is some negative energy in your house. I would recommend you to get in touch with a Vastu expert immediately. I hope you understood how to remove black magic from home.
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Last year, my daughter fell ill three times in September. We went to the doctor and gave her all her medicines on time, but she did not get better. My sister-in-law came, and within three days she said that someone had done kala jaadu, or black magic, on her. I did not believe her, but seeing her suffer, I resolved to find out how to get rid of black magic. Believe it or not, it worked. My sister-in-law answered how to remove black magic effect and her remedies were actually effective. If you feel someone has done black magic on you or your house/members, try these methods to remove it.
How to remove black magic at home?
Here are some methods you can implement to remove black magic from your house or from your loved ones-
Take a black thread and tie seven knots at the same distance. Rotate seven dried chillies seven times over the thread and wrap them all with a black cloth. Burn the cloth along with the things inside it outside your house after putting some oil on it, and wear that black thread on your right ankle
Donate seven black clothes to different people in Amavasya
Do not consume alcohol
Rotate salt seven times over the victim anticlockwise and dissolve it in a pond, river, or any other water body.
Burn camphor every morning and in the evening in your house
These are a few methods you can implement to remove black magic. If this does not help, ask a priest how to overcome black magic and let him help you.
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Om shanti!
When I was a kid, my grandmother told me that someone did black magic on her once. She started having headaches, disturbances in sleeping, etc. She then asked a priest how to reverse black magic. The priest told her that people with weak horoscopes are easy targets of black magic as they have a weak aura around themselves. He also told her about several ways to get rid of black magic. Let me share them with you:
How to Avoid Black MagicDon’t drink alcohol as individuals drinking it are more vulnerable to negative energies.
Rotate salt 7 times over yourself anti-clockwise and dissolve it in any water body.
If you feel like you’re getting attracted to something negative, and your aura does not feel the same as usual, then you should burn camphor every evening and morning in your home.
Take Nilgiri oil (or leaves), til seeds, lemon peel, mint leaves, tulsi leaves, and black rai and boil it in water for 7 minutes. After that, divide it into 7 portions and pour each portion over the victim’s body. Do it for 7 consecutive days.
My grandmother told me that a person is more susceptible to negative energies if his Ketu or Rahu comes in close conjunction with Moon and Sun. In this case, you should reach out to an astrologer to find solutions for these planets’ transitions. Also, chant 'Om Kem Ketave Namah' and 'Om Ram Rahave Namah' to keep Ketu and Rahu within the good influence.
As Pankaj mentioned, you can also perform Durga Saptashi pooja, Kaal Bhairav pooja, and Chaandi Paath if you think you’re under the influence of the evil eye
I advise you to keep 'Bhairav Yantra’ in your house for strengthening your aura because your aura is a shield that helps protect you from negative energies.
If you find extreme symptoms, such as burning & stinging pains on different body parts, bruises on your body, shortage of breathing, and suicidal thoughts and if your body isn’t responding to medicines for your illness, then I recommend you take considerable action and consult an astrologer to find the reason as well as solutions.
This is all on how to undo black magic.
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I hope now you know how to reverse black magic.
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How to remove black magic from home?
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