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How to Remove Cobwebs from High Ceilings?

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Hi there. I have a high ceiling when it comes to my living room and my partner and I clean the cobwebs every few weeks. So, I can show you how to remove cobwebs from high ceilings.

How to Remove Spider Webs from High Ceilings?

Here are some methods through which you can remove spider webs from your high ceiling.

  1. Use a Vacuum Cleaner: To reach the high ceiling, a vacuum cleaner with an attachment can help. You can find them in a vacuum repair shop or buy them online. Once you connect the attachment, it is a simple task to get rid of the spider webs.

  2. Broom and Cloth: This is a different technique that I have used a couple of times. If you have a platform like a sofa, a high chair, or something, stand on it with another person holding the chair at the same time. You can wrap the broom’s feathers with a soft cloth and then remove the cobwebs with ease.

  3. Long Handled Broom: In many departmental stores, a long-handled broom with a small rounded, fuzzy cotton ball is available for cleaning purposes. You can use the long handle to good effect and reach the high ceiling in your house to get rid of cobwebs.

This is how to clean cobwebs from very high ceilings. I hope my methods will help you.

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