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How to Remove Mold from Wood?

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0 2024-07-17T16:01:01+00:00

I know it’s unpleasant to discover mold on wooden furniture. After being away from home for two and a half months, I returned to find mold on my wooden sofa, which was quite shocking and disgusting. I learn from my mom how to clean mold off wood using effective DIY methods, and I'm happy to share the tip here.

How to Get Rid of Mold on Wood?

  • I used warm water, baking soda, a soft brush, and a clean cloth.

  • Mixed 1 tablespoon of baking soda with a cup of warm water until it dissolved completely.

  • Then, I dipped the soft brush into the baking soda solution and gently scrubbed the mouldy areas on the wood. The baking soda helps to lift the mould without damaging the wood.

  • After scrubbing, I used a clean, damp cloth to wipe away the residue and any remaining mould.

  • Finally, I dried the area thoroughly with a dry cloth to prevent any moisture from remaining, which could cause mould to return.

This method was effective and safe for the wood, keeping it mould-free and in good condition.

I hope this helps you with how to clean mold from wood!

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0 2022-06-29T21:20:47+00:00

Hey pal,

It is absolutely disgusting to see mold grow on wood. Mold leads to infections and respiratory problems. You should instantly remove mold from wood window frames. Different types of mold appear in different colors i.e. black, white, purple, orange, or green. The multicellular structure dictates the growth of mold.

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How to remove mold from wood floors?

I think everyone knows that removing mold from wood with vinegar is a popular tip. There are other effective methods as well. Though, you should wear an N95 or N100 respirator mask and rubber gloves to deal with mold. 

Before I tell you how to remove mold from wood cabinets. You will need to gather the following things. 

  • Spray bottle

  • Overalls

  • Vacuum cleaner

  • Sponge

  • Soft brush

  • 100-grit sandpaper

  • Soft cloth

How to remove mold from wood?

Vodka :

Vodka has antimicrobial properties and acts as a disinfectant. You can use any other type of hard liquor. 

Detergent :

You can use detergent to clean black mold from wooden furniture, Detergent is a surfactant. 

Keep reading how to remove black mold from wood

Vinegar :

Vinegar kills mold and mold spores because it is naturally acidic. You can use it on a wooden surface.

Bleach :

You can use bleach or Borax to disinfect the wood. It is a natural fungicide that kills loose spores. 

You can use tea tree oil or hydrogen peroxide on the surface as well. This is all from my end on how to remove mold from wood window frames.

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