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How to Remove Nazar Dosh from House

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6 2023-05-25T20:53:03+00:00
Best Answer

Last year, I was going through a lot of crisis, both financially and mentally. My mother highlighted that it was the effect of buri nazar. She wanted me to follow certain tips to remove nazar dosh. Hence, I learned from her how to remove buri nazar by yourself. As a result, I can share a few tips with you all.

Nearly all religions believe that an evil eye (buri nazar) is a relatively common phenomenon.  As the term implies, it is a negative thing happening to a person. It's considered that you might catch such unpleasant vibrations if someone feels envious of and disgusted with you. When the bad vibrations become too intense, they can actually start to harm a person's life.

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How to remove nazar at home?

  • Daily recitation of the Gayatri mantra and the Hanuman Chalisa protects one from bad spirits and the evil eye.

  • To shield themselves from the evil eye, women and children wear kohl.

  • Burn Guggul, Loban, and Camphor together and disperse the smoke throughout the house or office.

  • Take red chilly, small mustard seeds (rai) and salt together. Revolve anticlockwise from the affected person 7 times and burn in fire.

  • Spread salt and jeera on the floor of your home or place of business. This will lessen or completely eliminate the possibility of evil spirits entering your personal area. 

After highlighting these tips on how to nazar utarna at home, let us focus on;

How to remove nazar with water?

  • Use a white cloth to distil seawater that has been placed in a bottle or can. Once the water has been distilled, add a little amount of "Gau Mutra" (cow's pee). On Tuesday, Friday, Full Moon Day, and New Moon Day place it in a bottle and sprinkle the water throughout the house. This treatment will eradicate the evil eye and whatever ailments it causes.

  • Put a lemon in a glass of water to ward off the bad omen of neighbours or rival businesses. Ensure that the glass is white and transparent. Keep the glass in a location that is easily seen by guests at your home. Change the water every day as well. Remove the lemon and replace it with a new one every Saturday. You might stop an evil eye from harming your career or business by doing this.

I hope these tips would assist you with your query about how to remove buri nazar by yourself. I hope this helps:)

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Hi Hari. We got a new house last year. As an activity to ward off negative energy and bad eye, we performed a couple of things. I will thus be able to share how to remove bad eye from house. We used cloves and basil, commonly known as tulsi in Hindi. Both the methods work as a removal process and preventive measure, as well. I will share the details below.

How to Remove Bad Eye from Home?

Here are some ways through which you can remove nazar or bad eye from your home:

Cleanse with Cloves

Cloves have protective properties. Burning them and spreading their smoke throughout your house can help eliminate the evil eye’s effects. You can also place cloves near the windows or entrance gates to prevent bad eyes.


You can use holy basil, known as tulsi, a sacred ingredient in our Indian culture. You can keep a tulsi plant in your home to remove negative energy and purify the atmosphere.

I hope you now know how do i remove nazar dosh from my house. 

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Some related information:

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2 2023-09-13T10:04:56+00:00

Last year, around February, my 5-year-old son started vomiting a lot without any serious reason. We got him checked by several doctors but every night he used to vomit and hence became very weak. I used to cry a lot but my mother came to save us. She was sure that it was a symptom of evil eye or buri nazar so showed me how to do nazar utarna. There are several ways to do it so here are some of them:

How to get rid of nazar dosh?

There are several ways in which you can get rid of nazar dosh and they are:

  • Recite the Hanuman Chalisa and Gayatri mantras daily

  • Wear kohl to protect yourself from buri nazar

  • Take a piece of alum and revolve it around the head of the victim seven times anti-clockwise. Put it on a tawa and wait until it becomes a solid mass. Take it and throw it in the south (on Tuesday or Saturday)

  • Hang nazar battu on your main door or entrance to the house

  • Burn guggul, loban and camphor together and smoke in all areas of the house

These are some methods on how to take nazar off.

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3 2023-06-23T16:18:23+00:00

I've always been a little superstitious, so when I started to suspect that there was a problem with my home, I didn't think twice to look into it. I pondered whether the nazar dosh, sometimes known as the evil eye, might be what was affecting my home. I started by doing some research online about how to get rid of nazar. 

What is Nazar dosh?

In my research on how to remove nazar from home, I discovered that nazar dosh refers to the notion that someone might look negatively upon another person and harm them. It's a widespread conviction throughout many cultures, including India.

How to remove evil eye from home?

I also learned that there are a number of ways to remove nazar dosh from a house. Some of these methods includes; 

  • Safety pin:

An evil eye safety pin will look elegant and safeguard you at the same time. Once a week, the needle needs to be taken out of your clothing and left exposed for the night to recharge. As a result, its defence can be renewed by absorbing new energy. You should discard it if it has changed colour. This might occur as it has gathered the power of jealousy. Hence, this necessitates the replacement of that pin with a new one.

  • Horseshoe:

Normally, the horseshoe is placed as a protective emblem outside the front door. A horseshoe is a symbol of luck, money, and fortune in Vastu. Hang it with the ends pointing upward to remove the Vastu dosha. Place it at your home's entry or main door in accordance with main door Vastu to reduce Vastu flaws and negative energy. A horseshoe aids in overcoming financial challenges.

  • Black Turmeric and Black Cloth Remedy:

The black turmeric and black cloth treatment for evil eye is another treatment that works quite well. Take a piece of black fabric and stuff it with some black turmeric. Tie it as a knot and allow it to flow through running water seven times over the person who is affected by Evil eye.

These are a few ways that can assist you regarding how to remove nazar from house.

I opted for these steps and felt like my house was lighter and more positive. I also started to feel better myself. I was less stressed and more optimistic.

If you're feeling like something is wrong with your house, I encourage you to try some of these methods regarding how to get rid of nazar. It might just make a difference for you too.

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7 2022-06-08T18:19:52+00:00

Hi Buddy,

I bought an evil eye pendant for myself a few months ago after doing a lot of study on evil eye meaning. Vastu Shastra is something I strongly believe in. You may call it my superstitious mindset, yet it has had a great impact on my life. I used to be miserable, depressed, and unwell all of the time. During this period, my astrologer suggested that I get an evil eye jewellery for myself.

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My astrologer briefed me about every aspect of buri nazar. I would love to explain and share what I learned from him.

What is evil eye protection:

The evil eye is known in Greek culture as "mati," a curse given to someone who has a wicked look and is thought to bring poor luck or loss to whoever gets it. You've certainly heard or witnessed someone give you the "evil eye," but many people believe it means more than that. As a result, evil eye jewellery and charms were created.

If someone has a nasty thought or wish for you, the evil eye will shield you from their bad intentions. This is why an evil eye should be worn at all times. Wearing one of these items on your body will keep any negative thoughts at bay and safeguard you throughout the day.

Buri nazar symptoms:
  • Constant yawning before or during prayer - If you are constantly yawning for no apparent reason before or during prayer, you may be affected.

  • Flashes of heat and chill

  • Anxiety that appears out of nowhere

  • Feeling down for no apparent reason

  • Feeling insecure for no apparent cause

  • When you're near someone who has a strong negative aura, your blood pressure lowers suddenly

  • Bruises all over the body, but no injuries

  • Fearful feeling that has no apparent basis

  • Your complexion lightens to a faint yellow

If you're experiencing these indicators frequently and intensely, and they're becoming roadblocks to your achievement, you're undoubtedly suffering from buri nazar.

How to remove nazar by yourself:
  • Therapy with Spices

This one is a little more difficult! 9 Guajillo chillies, black mustard seeds, and salt are required to ward off Nazar from an unwell person. Bring all of the ingredients together on a piece of paper and wrap it around the individual seven times, head to toe. Burn this paper before discarding it. The smoke rising from the chilies will indicate that the sick person has been cursed.

  • Mirror

If strategically placed, mirrors can help ward off the Nazar, or negative spirits, from entering the dwelling. The entrance door should be reflected in the mirrors. If any negative energy tries to enter the house, the mirror will reflect the negative energy outside the house to the same degree and intensity. It's also worth noting that no two mirrors should face each other, as this is considered unlucky.

  • Fal Kashi (Pumpkin Remedy


Many Indian households use KashiFal to counteract the effects of Drishti. If Kashi Fal dries after a while, it means the dwelling is free of evil eyes. If water begins to drip from the pumpkin, it is a sure sign of Evil Eyes and negative energy surrounding the home and its inhabitants.

  • Incense 

This method focuses on purifying the aura and the surrounding surroundings. Incense sticks are a necessary part of worshipping God and are so found in every home. The smoke produced by burning incense ensures that the house is free of any negative energy.

  • Kohl " (Kajal)

Kajal (black pencil liner) can be used to enhance one's appearance, but it can also be used to ward off Nazar. Families in India apply a dot of Kajal to their infants to protect them from evil curses or spells. If someone appears to be lovely or beautiful, the family's eldest member applies a dot of Kajal to form a shield against harmful curses.

  • Nazar utarna with salt

Salt is a mineral that resonates with our lunar energy and soothes, heals, and relaxes us. This is utilised in the Kala Nazar or Kan Drishti, an ancient grandmother technique for eradicating the effects of the evil eye. An older member of the household would take a handful of rock salt mixed with red chilies and rotate it in front of the youngster or others who needed the drishti removed. The salt absorbs all of the unneeded energy and disposes of it outdoors in a silent process.

  • Combine salt and mustard seeds, with salt having a higher percentage than mustard seeds

  • Make a fist with a pinch of this salt and mustard seed combination, using all of your fingers on both hands

  • Turn your closed hands down (towards the ground), cross your forearms, and take a step forward

  • Then, in a circular motion, the person casting off the evil eye should wave his or her hands from inside to outwards in a downward to upward direction

  • The salt and mustard seeds are to be burned over burning coal after the casting off procedure is completed

I would like to conclude her. I hope this answer satisfies your query of the evil eye meaning. I hope this helps:)

To keep your home neat and clean for the flow of positive energy, rely on the professionals at NoBroker Do try out the excellent painting service provided by NoBroker, and colour coordinate your home according to Vastu tips.

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10 2021-12-21T10:31:47+00:00

Hey, Your home is the place where you spend most of the time. Your house should have good vibes for all the residents. It is important to have a house that makes you feel refreshed and positive. To make sure my space has no Nazar dosh. I have recently learned how to remove Nazar. Take a look at my answer to know more :

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  How to remove Nazar dosh from house?
  • Hang a mala made of Ashok leaves on the entrance of your house. This should be done on a Friday.

  • Put a peacock feather on the main door to remove Nazar dosh

  • Further, sprinkle gangajal in your house. Make sure to sprinkle it in each corner and each room of the house.

  • If all else fails, get the Nazar Dosh Nivaran Puja  conducted by a pandit.

  What are evil eye remedies for business?
  • At your workplace, hang a lemon and green chilies in a thread. This practice should be done either on a Saturday or Tuesday

  • Every Saturday, take a green lemon and touch it with the walls of your workplace. The next step is cutting the lemon into four pieces and throwing a piece in 4 directions North, South, East, West.

  • Put a lemon in a glass of water and place it in the office. 

  How to remove Nazar with salt?

You can remove evil eye or Nazar dosh by salt. Add rock salt to your bath water and continue to take a bath with it. This should be done for 27 days representing a day for each star. 


I hope you now have an answer about how to remove nazar.

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What to do to remove negative energy from home?   

How to detect negative energy in house?   

How to remove negative energy from home vastu tips?    

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