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How to Remove Pen Ink from Leather Chair?

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saw that one of our leather chairs in the living room had an ink spill. So, I looked up how to remove pen ink from leather chair in the next instant. 

This is because the ink gets even more difficult to remove if you don’t take action immediately. I’ll share a method I used for my chair with you.

How to Remove Ink from a Leather Chair?

  1. Take a dry paper towel and wipe the ink immediately. Be careful that you do not spread the stain. 

  2. Take a little bit of moisturising soap and water to get rid of the remaining stain.

  3. You need to use a commercial grade leather care product now. Read the manufacturer’s instructions before you use the product. Pick one which is suitable for removing ink stains.

  4. Apply the product over the stain spot and then the leather cleaner. Use a leather protector to maintain the finish of the leather on your chair.

  5. After this, dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and rub it over the stain. 

This is how to remove ink from leather chair. I would say that I was able to remove the stain to a great extent.

However, unless you use commercial products like I did, the results won’t be as good. In such a case, I recommend you call professional cleaners for stain removal.

Get Your Leather Chair Stain Free Via NoBroker’s Expert Cleaning Team! Some related information:

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