Over time, I noticed a gradual decrease in water pressure, and eventually, rust started showing up around the drains. The pipes in my old house had accumulated rust over the years, and I knew I had to act quickly before it caused bigger problems. As I don’t know how to remove rust from inside pipes, I called in a professional plumber to fix it. He said a vinegar solution is one of the easiest ways to remove rust from pipes. He also shared a few more hacks, which I shared below for you.
How to Remove Rust from Inside Water Pipes?
The plumber explained a few simple methods for removing rust from inside the pipes, especially from inside drain pipes. Here’s what he suggested:
- Vinegar Solution: He recommended soaking the pipe in a mix of equal parts white vinegar and water. He said leaving the pipes soaked for a few hours—or even overnight—helps loosen the rust. After soaking, you scrub the inside of the pipe with a sponge or brush and rinse thoroughly with water. It’s a simple and effective method for mild rust build-up.
- Baking Soda Paste: For stubborn rust, he suggested sprinkling baking soda on the affected areas. Adding a bit of water turns it into a paste, which should be left for about 15 minutes. Scrub it with a soft-bristled brush, and repeat if needed. This was effective for me in removing more persistent rust.
- Lemon Juice: Another trick he showed me was using fresh lemon juice. He applied it directly to the rust, let it sit for an hour, and scrubbed it off. This method worked wonders for rust stains that were not too deep.
- Wire Brush: For tougher areas, he used a wire brush to scrape off the rust from inside the pipes. It’s a bit more manual, but it gets the job done for more stubborn patches.
- High-pressure Water Jetting: For more extensive rust issues, he suggested calling a professional plumber who could use high-pressure water jetting. This technique blasts away the rust and other debris, ensuring the pipes are thoroughly cleaned.
I hope you understand how to remove rust from inside drain pipes.
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How to Remove Rust from Inside Pipes?
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