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How to remove rust from stove top?

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Hi Minalq, I usually take care of the cooking at our rented house as my flatmate hates doing so. One day, I observed rust formation on the stove, so I looked up how to remove rust from stove top. I found a good and effective DIY method regarding the same. I used vinegar and salt to get rid of rust and the result was really good. So, I’ll help you out by sharing the complete procedure below.

How to Clean a Rusty Stove Top?

Here is the method you can follow to remove rust from the stovetop:

  1. Take a bowl and mix vinegar with salt. Use 1/4 cup quantity of each of the two. Mix the two till you see the salt dissolving.

  2. Remove the stovetop from the kitchen appliance and pour the mixture you prepared over it. Rub off rust stains with a cloth or sponge. 

  3. Don’t use steel wool or metal scouring pads for rubbing because they tend to scratch the surface and lead to more rusting.

  4. Once you’re done cleaning, rinse the surface with water and wipe with a dry, cloth cloth. There should be no water left on the surface.

This is how to remove rust from gas stove top. I hope these steps help you.

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0 2022-05-26T11:02:10+00:00

These days, it's good to have a glass cooktop when it comes to choosing a stove. You will realise that you won’t struggle from rusting problems that way. But anyway, till the time you get one, I can share a few tips from my past experiences on how to remove rust from stove top. There is no rocket science to it. You’ll simply need baking soda or vinegar (whatever is available conveniently) and water. Here’s what you should do next:

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As I told you, you can get baking soda or vinegar to remove rust from the stove top.

Using baking soda

You’ll need 3 parts of baking soda mixed to make a paste in 1 part water. When you have this mix ready with you, apply it on the stove top where the rust sits. After approximately half an hour, come back to wipe the paste off with a cloth. If you still find a few spots of rust, you can use an abrasive brush and gently scrub the stains off. They will come off easily.

Using vinegar

Next on how to remove rust from gas stove top, you can pour a few drops of vinegar on the rusted area directly. Let it sit and throw its acidic magic on the rust for about 20 minutes. After that, you will see that the rust will start dissolving. If it is too rigid, you can use scrub to get rid of it. Once you are certain that the rust is off, take a clean cloth and wipe the dirt off the surface.

Get best-in-class appliances for your kitchen on rent through NoBroker today. Explore your options here

I hope this answers your questions on how to remove rust from stove top.

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