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How to Remove Soap Scum From Sink?

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My mother usually gets annoyed with the clogged drain in our kitchen sink, which is because of the accumulation of soap scum. She tries to clean it using hot water and liquid detergent, but the chalky residue exists over the sink. Once, she asked me to check online

how to remove soap scum from sink. I found some quick and useful methods that I am sharing below. 

How to Remove Soap Scum From Kitchen Sink?

Baking Soda

Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 4 quarts of hot water and pour it down the sink. This mixture will quickly eat through soap scum. 


Ammonia works as a great cleaning agent, but make sure you open the windows and allow enough ventilation as its odour can be profuse. Pour ammonia down the drain and clean the sink with boiling water. 

White Vinegar

Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray the scummy area of the sink. Leave it for 15 minutes and then scrub the surface with a soft brush. Then, rinse the sink with warm water. White vinegar is a cost-effective and natural disinfectant that quickly breaks down the mineral buildup in the soap scum.

Besides these methods, you can use a mesh trap to keep the drain clean and prevent it from clogging. This is used for bathroom drain to prevent any kind of soap scum, hair, dead skin, or other things that can lead to clogs. 

I hope this gives you an idea on how to clean soap scum from sink.

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