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How to remove wallpaper from wall?

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0 2025-01-21T17:13:35+00:00

Hi Uday. We had a stick-and-peel wallpaper in our living room. However, we got bored of it and wanted to take it off. I thought of removing it on my own as these kind of wallpapers are easier to remove. I can thus share how to remove wallpaper from wall with you. You would have to begin with a corner of the wallpaper and create an opening by pulling back the wallpaper from the side. 

How to Get Wallpaper Off the Wall?

Here are the steps you can follow to remove a peelable wallpaper:

  1. Start by peeling off the top layer of the wallpaper. Find a corner of the wallpapr to gently pull back. You can use a plastic scraper or putty knife to lift the edge. 

  2. Once a small section of the wallpaper has been lifted, you can move along pulling the wallpaper slowly off the wall. 

  3. You can use a heat gun or hairdryer to apply heat and make the peeling process easier. 

  4. Ensure to hold the heat source a few inches away from the wallpaper and move it back and forth. Avoid overheating as it can damage the wall.

  5. Once the wallpaper has been peeled, some adhesive residue will be left on the wall. 

  6. To remove this, you can use adhesive remover or vinegar. 

  7. Apply the solution first on a sponge or cloth. Then, rub gently to scrub and dissolve the adhesive. 

  8. Rinse with clean water and allow the wall to dry completely first.

This is how do you remove wallpaper from a wall. Following these steps will help you remove the wallpaper without much trouble.

Get Clean Wallpaper Removal and Professional Painting On Your Wall Via NoBroker!

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0 2024-08-19T08:24:19+00:00

Let me share with you how do I remove wallpaper from the wall. My son loves to get his room renovated often so we use wallpaper to decorate his room and change it whenever he requests it. There are three methods: the soapy water method, the vinegar solution method and the steam method. Learn about all these methods next.

How Do You Remove Wallpaper from a Wall?

The three easy ways on how to remove wallpaper from wall are:

  • Soapy Water Method: Mix warm water with a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. Next, spray the solution onto the wallpaper, allowing it to soak for 10-15 minutes. The wallpaper should start loosening and once it does, use a scraper to gently peel it away.

  • Vinegar Solution Method: Combine equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the wallpaper, letting it sit for 15-20 minutes. The vinegar will help break down the adhesive. Scrape the wallpaper off carefully and reapply the solution as needed.

  • Steam Method: If you have a wallpaper steamer, this method is highly effective. Hold the steamer against the wallpaper for a few seconds to loosen the adhesive. Once softened, use a scraper to remove the wallpaper. This method works well for stubborn or multiple wallpaper layers and is perhaps the best way to remove wallpaper from walls. 

These are the methods on how do I remove wallpaper from a wall. Hope these processes will help you get the desired result. 

Get Your Wallpapers Removed or Installed Professionally by NoBroker’s Expert Painting Team

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0 2023-10-18T21:04:50+00:00

Understanding how do you remove wallpaper from a wall that is plastered can be a time-consuming but manageable DIY project.

Materials You'll Need:
  • Utility Knife or Wallpaper Scraper

  • Wallpaper Perforation Tool

  • Wallpaper Stripper Solution (A mixture of water and a commercial wallpaper adhesive remover)

  • Spray Bottle

  • Plastic Sheeting or Drop Cloth

  • Sponges or Rags

How Do I Remove Wallpaper from a Plastered Wall?

Follow these steps to assist yourself with how to remove wallpaper from plaster walls;

  • Set up the space: 

Remove all of the furniture from the room, then cover the floor and any other objects with plastic sheeting or drop cloths.

  • Start at a Corner: 

Locate a corner or a discrete edge of the wallpaper, and gently lift it with a utility knife. Take care to prevent damaging the plaster beneath.

  • Perforate the Wallpaper:

Use a wallpaper perforation tool to make tiny holes in the wallpaper. This enables the wallpaper stripper solution to reach the glue and dissolve it.

  • Apply Wallpaper Stripper Solution:

Spray the wallpaper with a thin layer of the wallpaper stripper solution. The recommended waiting period is noted on the product label.

  • Start removing the wallpaper: 

After the wallpaper becomes soft, start by carefully peeling it away from the wall with your fingers or a wallpaper scraper. To prevent harming the plaster, move slowly and cautiously.

  • Clean and repeat: 

There can be adhesive left on the wall after removing the top layer of wallpaper. Use a sponge or towel and additional wallpaper removal solution to clean the wall. Until the wall is clean, repeat the process.

  • Final Cleaning: 

Wipe the wall with clean water to get rid of any last bits of residue after removing all the wallpaper and adhesive.

  • Repair and Paint:

To complete the project, fix any plaster damage as necessary and repaint the wall.

I hope now you know how to remove old wallpaper. 

It takes time and caution to remove wallpaper from plaster walls without damaging the underlying plaster. Now that you know how do you remove wallpaper, be prepared to put out some effort, but the end result will yield a wall that is modernised and renewed.

For a fresh coat of paint on walls contact NoBroker

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0 2021-10-20T17:19:58+00:00

Are you re-doing your home?

Don’t like the old wallpaper anymore?

If your answer is Yes to both these questions then my friend you have landed at just the right place. I repainted my house a couple of months back and we had to take down the old wallpaper. Call me handy or a miser but I thought I should take up this task myself so I started looking for ways on how to remove wallpaper from wall myself. And surprisingly enough there were many tricks which I came across. I can perhaps share them with you as well. 

How to remove difficult wallpaper

Here is the step by step process for your convenience:

  1. Remove everything from your wall (any frames or paintings, wall clock, etc.) and cut off the electricity supply

  2. Determine what type of wallpaper has been inserted. To check please take a putty knife and loosen the wallpaper from the sides. Now try to peel it. If the wallpaper comes off easily then you are in luck but if it leaves behind paper then your bad luck, it is a sticking wallpaper which will come off with chemicals and water.

  3. Anyway, if you have the first one then simply soak the wallpaper by spraying just enough water and peel it off. Ensure that you are pulling as close as you can to the wall.

  4. Now clean the wall with the help of a soap and warm water solution and gently wipe the wall for any residue

  5. If you have the second type of wallpaper as mentioned in point 2 then you will have to get a wallpaper stripper, wallpaper scraping tool, rags and rubber gloves. 

  6. Mix warm water with wallpaper stripper solution and apply this solution using spray on the wall. Using a putty knife, scrape off the wallpaper and then clean the walls. Don’t forget to put on gloves before starting this job.

If this is too much for you then I would recommend you to get the painting job and wallpaper peeling to the professionals. 

  Check out NoBroker Home Painting Services and get expert hand in painting your home beautifully.   You might want to read these: How to stick wallpaper on wall How to choose wallpaper for living room

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