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How to rent my shop to an ATM?

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2 Year


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1 2023-02-23T15:57:54+00:00

Hey pal ,

When I rented my shop to a Bank for an ATM machine. I had to go through various methods.

I visited a local bank branch and asked the manager if there is a requirement for an ATM installation. He told me I had to write a formal letter/ email to the bank for the same. Sadly, the bank didn't have any requirements to put an ATM machine in my location.

I made a profile on NoBroker and saw many people had put an ad for their shop. To see what happens, I posted a free ad on the portal. I mentioned details about my property on the website. Then, I rented my shop to a tenant.

Post Property details on NoBroker absolutely free and start getting customers

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