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How to Rent Property to ATM?

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2 Year


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0 2024-11-21T18:55:52+00:00

A few months ago, I planned to rent out a portion of my property for an ATM installation since I require some steady income, and had spare space. But I didn’t know how to approach banks for this. So I started researching and asking around how to rent your property to bank ATM. I found I need to fill an application with my concerned bank after ensuring that my property met the requirements set by banks. Also, I can put my property advertisement online.

How to Rent Out Property for ATM?

One of the first things I found out was that a business district with lots of footfalls is the best place for renting out space for an ATM. I also found typically, banks prefer freehold properties with encumbrance certificates and no mortgages. 

  • I started the process by learning about the requirements of different banks for ATM locations. 

  • I prepared the required paperwork, such as the property deed and a certificate from the neighbours, stating that there was no objection, after verifying that my property met these requirements. 

  • Then I sent the bank an application that included information on my property, including its location and any surrounding landmarks.

  • Alternatively, I also posted my

    property advertisement on NoBroker

    for free.

  • Before proceeding, the bank made preliminary checks to ensure their stated property requirements are met. 

Once my application was approved, I signed a lease agreement with the bank, outlining the rental details and other necessary elements. This is how to rent property for ATM.

Read More:

How to rent a suitable commercial space for bank and ATM installation?


0 2022-06-08T09:21:19+00:00

Hi Buddy,

If you want to rent out your property to an ATM, you should go through the below-mentioned answer;

How To Rent Shop For ATM?

I hope this helps:)

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