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How to Repair Damaged Deck Boards?

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Last month, I noticed a few of my deck boards had cracks and some even showed signs of rot. I love spending evenings on my deck, so I couldn’t ignore the damage any longer. I was not sure how to fix it myself, I called a professional for help. He arrived with his tools and showed me through the process of how to repair damaged deck boards. 

What to do for Repairing Damaged Deck Boards?

The professional inspected the deck thoroughly to find all the problematic boards. Some had deep cracks, while others had rot spreading underneath. This step was crucial to avoid missing any hidden issues. The next steps that he followed are,

  1. He used a circular saw, pry bar, drill, and safety gear. For materials, he brought pressure-treated replacement boards, a wood preservative, and deck screws.

  2. Using the saw, he cut the damaged sections along the joists.

  3. Then, he pried out the old pieces carefully without damaging the nearby boards.

  4. After this, he checked the joists below for rot. Luckily, ours were intact. To prevent future decay, he also applied a wood preservative to the exposed areas.

  5. The professional measured the gap and cut the new boards precisely. He then secured them to the joists using deck screws, ensuring a snug fit.

  6. Finally, he sanded the edges for a smooth finish and applied a sealant to protect the deck and match the existing color.

As per my experience, I can say that this process is not a DIY one. So it is best that you hire a professional to ensure a safe and durable repair.

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